SREC-Sri Ramanujar Engineering College is an engineering college affiliated to Anna University. It was established in 2008 and offers a range of undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programs in various disciplines such as computer science, electronics & communication engineering, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, electrical & instrumentation engineering etc. The college has excellent infrastructure with modern laboratories and classrooms equipped with the latest technology. The faculty members are highly qualified professionals who have years of experience in their respective fields. They provide quality education through interactive sessions and practical training for students so that they can excel in their chosen field of study.

Key Highlights

  • NAAC Accredited 'B' Grade

Contact Details

Admission Cell
Contact PersonProf. Dr. A. Dhanapal, M.E., Ph.D.
Contact number9444859455
Email sriramanujar yahoo.com
Official Website http://www.sriramanujar.ac.in/

Placement Cell

Contact PersonSri Ramanujar Engineering College
Contact number044 22751380
Email mail2srecplacement yahoo.co.in


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  • Sri Ramanujar Engineering College Photos
  • Sri Ramanujar Engineering College Photos
  • Sri Ramanujar Engineering College Photos


B.Dinesh Kumar

Orcale D2k Trainee

  • experience
  • location
    Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • desiganation

    Orcale D2k Trainee at Infi Pvt Ltd Oct, 2013 To Present

  • study

    BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, IT-Information Technology

  • skills
    Ajax, PHP, Software Engineering, HTML, SQL Server, Javascript, Oracle, English Language, MySql, PL SQL, Computer Networking, C Language, Core Java, Data Mining, C Sharp Dot Net, Oracle D2K Developer, Oracle 10g, Oracle Developer, Oracle Reports, SQL Plus
BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India


Sri Ramanujar Engineering College
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