Railway Degree College, commonly known as RDC, is an educational institution affiliated with Osmania University, situated in Secunderabad, Telangana. Established in 1977 to cater to the educational needs of railway employees and their families, the college offers undergraduate degree programs in various fields. Osmania University was founded in 1918. The university's commitment to research, innovation, and education has made it a hub for intellectual growth, and it continues to contribute significantly to the region's educational landscape.
Contact Person | Railway Degree College |
Contact number | 4027018202 |
principalrdc yahoo.co.in | |
Official Website | https://scr.indianrailways.gov.in/ |
Contact Person | Railway Degree College |
Contact number | 4027018202 |
principalrdc yahoo.co.in |
Railway Degree College's profile had been viewed from 3 locations across the globe, Most recently from Adilabad.