Prestige Institute of Management and Research (PIMR) is a prestigious institution located in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India. Affiliated with Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, the college is known for its quality management education and research. With a focus on academic excellence, PIMR offers a wide range of management programs that are designed to meet industry demands. The institute boasts a dedicated faculty team and state-of-the-art infrastructure, including modern classrooms, well-equipped libraries, and computer labs. PIMR also emphasizes practical exposure through industry internships, guest lectures, and seminars. The college strives to produce skilled professionals who are well-prepared to thrive in the corporate world.
Contact Person | Admission Cell |
Contact number | 7869913303 |
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Contact Person | AKSHAT MISHRA |
Contact number | 7000565413 |
akshatmishrapimr1921 |
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BBS-Bachelor of Business Studies, AMHSSC-Apparel Made-ups and Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council
Education at jaro education To Present
MBA-Master of Business Administration, Marketing
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