Gojan School of Business and Technology (GSBT) is a leading institution for business education in India. Located in Chennai, GSBT offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs in management, finance, accounting, marketing and other related fields. The school also provides specialized courses such as MBA Executive Programs, MSc Finance & Investment Banking Programmes and more. With an experienced faculty team from diverse backgrounds including industry professionals to academicians, GSBT ensures that students get the best learning experience possible with up-to-date knowledge on current trends in the field of business studies.
Contact Person | Mrs. Brindha Natarajan |
Contact number | +91 - 44 - 2631 |
chairperson gojaneducation.com | |
Official Website | http://www.gojaneducation.com |
Contact Person | K.SURESH |
Contact number | 9841214325 |
iitsuresh yahoo.co.in |
Gojan School of Business and Techno...
Gojan School of Business and Techno...
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BE BTech-Bachelor of Engineering or Technology, IT-Information Technology
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