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The students of BPRI-Bhabha Pharmacy Research Institute Bhopal have been placed at reputed organisations like .
The students of PMKK Burdwan have been placed at reputed organisations like Tata Motors Limited,Red mi,future retail ltd,N/A,BPO CONVERGENCE,Diya systems mangaluru,KS INFRA CONSULTANT LLP,.
The comparison between the number of students presently working and the number of job seekers in shows that there are 0% students who are employed and 100% students actively seeking job opportunities.
The comparison between the number of students presently working and the number of job seekers in shows that there are 0% students who are employed and 100% students actively seeking job opportunities.
Companies take great interest in hiring students from top tier colleges.
are some of the companies interested in hiring students of BPRI-Bhabha Pharmacy Research Institute Bhopal.
Companies take great interest in hiring students from top tier colleges.
are some of the companies interested in hiring students of PMKK Burdwan.
The ratio of male to female in bpri-bhabha pharmacy research institute bhopal is 100%:0%. There are 1 students of bpri-bhabha pharmacy research institute bhopal registered on Youth4work, out of which 100% i.e. 1 students are male and 0% i.e. 0 students are females.
The ratio of male to female in PMKK Burdwan is 67%:32%. There are 3861 students of PMKK Burdwan registered on Youth4work, out of which 67% i.e. 2619 students are male and 32% i.e. 1242 students are females.
A college crowd has a mix of students coming from different cities, towns and locations which makes the atmosphere of a college diverse in its own.
A college crowd has a mix of students coming from different cities, towns and locations which makes the atmosphere of a college diverse in its own.
D.Pharma-Diploma in Pharmacy is the top most course in BPRI-Bhabha Pharmacy Research Institute Bhopal when it comes to the popularity among the students. Also, , , , are some of the best courses offered by BPRI-Bhabha Pharmacy Research Institute Bhopal.
Majority of students have opted D.Pharma-Diploma in Pharmacy as their specialization i.e. 1 students out of 1 students registered on Youth4work.
being the second most popular course opted by students, chosen by , chosen by and chosen by
Other is the top most course in PMKK Burdwan when it comes to the popularity among the students. Also, I.Sc-Intermediate in Science, BA-Bachelor of Arts, GDA-General Duty Assistant (HSSC), ABT-Assistant Beauty Therapist (BWSSC) are some of the best courses offered by PMKK Burdwan.
Majority of students have opted Other as their specialization i.e. 1K students out of students registered on Youth4work.
I.Sc-Intermediate in Science being the second most popular course opted by 1 students, BA-Bachelor of Arts chosen by 300, GDA-General Duty Assistant (HSSC) chosen by 236 and ABT-Assistant Beauty Therapist (BWSSC) chosen by 199
The salary earned by students depends on different courses and subjects and careers chosen by the students.
Not to be forgotten, skills and talents possessed by students is also an extremely important factor.
The average annual salary earned by students of bpri-bhabha pharmacy research institute bhopal is currently not known.
The salary earned by students depends on different courses and subjects and careers chosen by the students.
Not to be forgotten, skills and talents possessed by students is also an extremely important factor.
The average annual salary earned by students of bpri-bhabha pharmacy research institute bhopal is currently not known.