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All Colleges
Colleges in India starting with letter U
UABC-Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
UAB-University of Alabama at Birmingham
UACH-Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua
UACJ-Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez
UAC-Universidad Autónoma del Caribe
UAC-University American College
UAC-Urdu Arts College
UAC-Uttarakhand Ayurvedic College
UADE-Universidad Argentina de la Empresa
UAEH-Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
UAEM-Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
UAEU-United Arab Emirates University
UAFGCW-Udayabharathi Arts First Grade College For Women
UAF-University of Agriculture Faisalabad
UAG-Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara
UAH-Universidad Alejandro de Humboldt
UAH-Universidad de Alcalá
UAI-Universidad Abierta Interamericana
UAL-University of the Arts London
UAM-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
UAM-Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana
UAM-Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
UANCMC-Uma Arts And Nathiba Commerce Mahila College
UANL-Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
UAN-Universidad Antonio Nariño
UAP-Universidad Alas Peruanas
UAQ-Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
UASB-University of Agricultural Sciences Bangalore
UASC-University Arts and Science College
UASLP-Universidad Autónoma del San Luis Potosí
UAS-Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa
UAS-University of Agricultural Sciences
UAS-University of Agricultural Sciences Bagalkot
UAS-University of Agricultural Sciences bangalore
UAS-University of Agricultural Sciences bengaluru
UAS-University of Agricultural Sciences Dharwad
UAS-University of Agricultural Sciences Raichur
UA-Unique Academy Parasia
UA-Universidad de Alicante
UA-Universitas Andalas
UA-University at Albany
UA-University of Aalborg
UA-University of Aberdeen
UA-University of Abertay
UA-University of Abuja
UA-University of Adelaide
UA-University of Agriculture Faisalabad
UA-University of Alberta
UA-University of Allahabad
UA-University of Arizona
UA-University of Arkansas
UA-University of Aveiro
UA-University of the Arctic
UAU-Uttarakhand Ayurved University
UB- University of Burdwan
UBA-Universidad Bicentenaria de Aragua
UBC-University of British Columbia
UBC-Uttar Barpeta College
UBDTCE-University B D T College of Engineering
UBEC-Uma B Ed College
UBI-United Business Institutes
UBKV-Uttar Banga Krishi Vishwavidyalaya
UBKWTDPC-UBKWTD Pharmacy College
UBSCC-UBS College Chaksuliapada
UBSI-Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika
UBS-Universal Business School
UBS-University Business School
UBS-Utkarsh Business School
UBTEC-University BT and Evening College
UBTE-Uttarakhand Board of Technical Education
UB-Universidad de Barcelona
UB-Universitas Brawijaya
UB-University of Baghdad
UB-University of Bahrain
UB-University of Balamand
UB-University of Ballarat
UB-University Of Balochistan
UB-University of Baltimore
UB-University of Bath
UB-University of Bedfordshire
UB-University of Benin
UB-University of Bialystok
UB-University of Bolton
UB-University of Bradford
UB-University of Brawijaya
UB-University of Brighton
UB-University of Bristol
UBWBEC-Uttar Banga Womens B Ed College
UC- Utkarsh College Weir
UCAB-Universidad Catolica Andres Bello
UCASS-University College of Arts and Social Sciences
UCAS-Udaya College of Arts and Science
UCAS-Universal College Of Arts And Science
UCAS-University College of Applied Sciences
UCAS-University College of Applied Sciences Chuttippara
UCA-University College of Arts Tumkur
UCA-University for the Creative Arts
UCB-University College Barnala
UCB-University College Benra
UCB-University College Birmingham
UCB-University College Dublin
UCB-University of Colorado Boulder
UCCA-Universal College of Computer Application
UCCA-Uran College of Commerce and Arts
UCCBCC-Udhna Citizen Cooperative Bank Commerce College
UCCB-Union Christian College Barapani
UCCCSCBASDHGCBI-Udhna Citizen Commerce College and SPB College of Business Administration and Smt Diwaliben Harjibhai Gondaliya College of BCA and IT
UCCEN-Universal Christian College of Education Nellore
UCCIS-Unique Computer Centre And IT Solution
UCCK-University College Chunni Kalan
UCCS-University of Colorado Colorado Springs
UCC-UISS Computer Center
UCC-Umes Chandra College
UCC-Umesh Chandra College
UCC-Union Christian College
UCC-Union Christian Colleged
UCC-Unique Computer Centre
UCC-University College
UCC-University Commerce College
UCC-University Of Cape Coast
UCDC-Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia
UCDE-Universidad Católica del Este
UCD-University College Dhilwan
UCD-University College Dublin
UCD-University of California Davis
UCEAR-Universal College of Engineering and Research
UCEBITC-University College of Engineering Bharathidasan Institute of Technology Campus
UCEC-Universal Computer Education Center
UCED-University College of Engineering Dindigul
UCEK-University College Of Engineering Kakinada
UCEK-University College of Engineering Kariavattom
UCEK-University College of Engineering Khurda
UCEM-United College of Engineering and Management
UCEM-University College of Estate Management
UCEN-University College of Engineering Narasaraopet
Uceou-University college of engineering, osmania university
UCER-United College of Engineering & Research
UCER-United College of Engineering and Research
UCER-Universal College of Engineering and Research
UCETB-University College of Engineering and Technology Bikaner
UCET-Ultra College of Engineering and Technology
UCET-Universal College of Engineering
UCET-Universal College of Engineering and Technology
UCET-Universal College of Engineering and Technology
UCET-Universal College of Engineering and Technology Gandhinagar
UCET-University College of Engineering and Technology
UCET-University College of Engineering and Technology Hazaribagh
UCET-University College Of Engineering Tiruchirappalli
UCETW-ULTRA College of Engineering and Technology for Women
UCETW-University College of Engineering and Technology for Women
UCE-Udaya College of Education
UCE-Udyog College of Education
UCE-Ujas College of Education
UCE-Umamaheswaranar College of Education
UCE-Umrer College of Engineering
UCE-Unique College of Education
UCE-United College of Education
UCE-Universal College of Education
UCE-Universal college of Education Tirunelveli
UCE-Universal College of Education Tirupattur
UCE-Universal College of Engineering
UCE-University College of Engineering
UCE-University College of Engineering Ariyalur
UCE-University College of Engineering Arni
UCE-University College of Engineering Idukki
UCE-University College of Engineering Kancheepuram
UCE-University College of Engineering Kota
UCE-University College of Engineering Kothagudem
UCE-University College of Engineering Nagercoil
UCE-University College of Engineering Panruti
UCE-University College of Engineering Pattukkottai
UCE-University College of Engineering Punjab
UCE-University College of Engineering Ramanathapuram
UCE-University College of Engineering Thirukkuvalai
UCE-University College of Engineering Tindivanam
UCE-University College of Engineering Tiruchirappalli
UCE-University College of Engineering trivandrum
UCE-Ushodaya College of Education
UCE-Ushodaya College of Education Wanaparthy
UCE-Uttarayan College Of Education
UCEV-University College of Engineering Villupuram
UCFAM-University College of Fine Arts and Music
UCFAM-University College of Fine Arts Manasagangothri
UCFA-University College of Fine Arts Davangere
UCFGCT - Union Christian First Grade College Tumkur
UCF-University of Central Florida
UCG-University College Ghanaur
UCG-University College Ghudda
UCI-Unique Computer Institute
UCJ-University College Jaito
UCLA-Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado
UCLA-University of California Los Angeles
UCLM-Unique College of Law Moradabad
UCL-University College London
UCL-University College of Law
UCL-University of Central Lancashire
UCL-University Of Central Lancashire Online
UCMC-UCM College
UCMS-University College of Medical Sciences
UCM-Universidad Complutense de Madrid
UCM-University College Meerapur
UCM-University College Moonak
UCM-University of California Merced
UCNTK-University College of Nursing Thalappady Kottayam
UCN-Udupi College Of Nursing
UCN-Umalok College Of Nursing
UCN-Unity College of Nursing
UCN-University College of Nursing
UCN-Upasana College of Nursing
UCOA-University College Of Ayurved
UCOE-University College of Engineering
UCOL-Universal College of Learning
UCPEB-University College of Physical Education Bangalore
UCPESS-University College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences
UCPS-Uca College of Paramedical Science
UCPS-University College Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
UCP-Ultra College Of Pharmacy
UCP-Unity College Of Pharmacy
UCP-University of Central Punjab
UCR-University of California Riverside
UCR-Unix Computers Rajgarh
UCSB-University of California Santa Barbara
UCSC-University of California Santa Cruz
UCSD-University of California San Diego
UCSE-University of Computer Science and Engineering
UCSF-University of California San Francisco
UCSN-Universal college and school of Nursing
UCST-Udayanath College of Science and Technology
UCST-University College Of Science and Technology
UCST-Uttaranchal College of Science and Technology
UCS-University College of Science
UCS-University College of Science osmania university
UCTC-Union Christian Training College
UCTEK-University College of Teacher Education Kottayam
UCTE-Unity College of Teacher Education
UCTE-University College of Teacher Education
UCTE-Ura College of Teacher Education
UCTH-University College of Technology Hyderabad
UCTMC-University College Tpd Malwa College
UCTM-Urmila College of Technology and Managment
UCT-Universal Computer Technologies Waraseoni
UCT-University College of Technology
UCT-University College Thiruvananthapuram
UCT-University of Cape Town
UCTWC-Universal Computer Technologies Waraseoni College
UC-Udala College
UC-Udali College
UC-Udanti College
UC-Uday College
UC-Uluberia College
UC-Umshyrpi College
UC-Union College
UC-Union College Kentucky
UC-Union College Nebraska
UC-Unique College
UC-United College
UC-Unity College
UC-Universal College
UC-Universal College Lalru
UC-Universal Computers Panna
UC-Universidad Caece
UC-Universidad Central
UC-Universidad de Caldas
UC-Universidad de Colima
UC-University College B Pharma
UC-University College Bahadurpur
UC-University College Ghudda
UC-University College Jaitu
UC-University College Kurukshetra
UC-University College Mangalore
UC-University College Moonak
UC-University of Calabar
UC-University of Calcutta
UC-University of Calgary
UC-University of Calicut
UC-University of California
UC-University of Cambridge
UC-University of Canberra
UC-University of Canterbury
UC-University of Cebu
UC-University of Chester
UC-University of Chittagong
UC-University of Cocody
UC-University of Colombo
UC-University of Connecticut
UC-University of Cumbria
UC-Ursinus College
UC-Ursuline College
UC-Utica College
UCU-Uganda Christian University Mukono
UCU-UniBrasil Centro Universitario
UCV-Universidad Central de Venezuela
UCV-Universidad César Vallejo
UCW-University Canada West
UCW-University College for Women
UD- University of Denver
UDAVI-Upliftment of Democratic and Village Improvement Society
UDBJTL-Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano
UDB-Universidad de Belgrano
UDB-Universitat de Barcelona
UDCA-University Department Computer Aapplication
UDCA-University Department Computer Application
UDCA-University Department Of Computer Application
UDCBA-University Department Of Commerce And Business Administration
UDCJ-Uday Degree College Jami
UDCJ-Ushatai Dhondge College of Journalisam
UDCL-Usmani Degree College Lakhimpur
UDCN-Udupi Dhanvantari College of Nursing
UDCS-University Department of Computer Science
UDC-Uma Degree College
UDC-Unity Degree College
UDC-Universidad de Carabobo
UDC-Universidad de Cartagena
UDC-Universidad de Cundinamarca
UDC-Urumu Dhanalakshmi College
UDC-Ushasri Degree College
UDC-Ushodaya Degree College
UDC-Ushodaya Degree College Bodhan
UDC-Usmani Degree College
UDDC-Urmila Devi Degree College
UDG-Universidad de Guadalajara
UDIP-Uttamrao Deshmukh Institute Of Pharmacy
UDMLCE-Uttam Devi Mohan Lal College of Engineering
UDMRI-Uttaranchal Dental and Medical Research Institute
UDPMM-Urmila Devi Patel Mahila Mahavidyalaya Soraon
UDPS-University Department Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
UDPTTI-Uttar Dinajpur Primary Teachers Training Institute
UDP-Universidad de Palermo
UDP-Universitas Darma Persada
UDR-Universidad del Rosario
UDS-Universidad de Sevilla
UDS-Universidad del Salvador
UDS-University of Dar es Salaam
UDT-Universidad del Tolima
UD-Udalguri College
UD-Universitas Diponegoro
UD-University of Debrecen
UD-University of Delaware
UD-University of Delhi
UD-University of Delhi SRCC
UD-University of Derby
UD-University of Dhaka
UD-University of Divinity
UDZ-Universidad del Zulia
UE- Uma Electronics
UEA-University of East Anglia
UEC-Ujjain Engineering College
UEC-Ujjain Engineering College Jabalpur
UEC-Umred Education College
UEC-Universal Engineering College
UEC-University Evening College
UEH - University of Economics HCMC
UEIGI-UEI Global Institute
UEI-Usha Educational Institute
UELC-University Evening Law College
UEL-University of East London
UEMJ-University of Engineering And Management
UEMJ-University of Engineering And Management Jaipur
UEM-University of Engineering and Management
UEM-University of Engineering and Management Kolkata
UESMM-U E S Mahila Mahavidyala
UESMM-U E S Mahila Mahavidyalya
UES-Uttam Education Society
UETBEC-Umiya Education Trust B Ed College
UETT-University of Engineering and Technology Taxila
UET-University of Engineering and Technology
UET-University of Engineering and Technology khuzdar
UET-University of Engineering and Technology Lahore
UET-University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar
UET-University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila
UE-Umamaheshwara Enterprises
UE-Universidad Ean
UE-University of Edinburgh
UE-University Of Eldoret
UE-University of Essex
UE-University Of Essex Online
UE-University of the East
UFGCK-Unnati First Grade Colege Kampli
UFGCK-Unnati First Grade College Kampli
UFGC-Umapragathi First Grade College
UFS-University of the Free State
UFT-Universidad Fermin Toro
UF-University of Findlay
UF-University of Florida
UF-University of Fredericton
UFV-University of the Fraser Valley
UG- University of Ghana
UGB-University of Gour Banga
UGCTECB-UGCTE College Baripada
UGC-Umiya Girls College
UGC-Unique Girls College
UGCWE-Umang Geetai College of Womens Education
UGDS-University Goce Delcev Stip
UGIE-Utkalmani Gopabandhu Institute of Engineering
UGI-United Group of Institutions
UGI-Universal Group Of Institutions
UGKMVEC-UGKM Vidhyasagar Education College Patan
UGM-UG Mahavidyalaya
UGM-Universidad Gabriela Mistral
UGM-Universitas Gadjah Mada
UGM-Utkalmani Gopabandhu Mahavidyalaya
UGSM - Utkalmani Gopabandhu Smruti Mahavidyalaya
UGSM-U G Smuruti Mahavidyalaya
UG-Universidad de Guanajuato
UG-Universitas Gunadarma
UG-University of Gavle
UG-University of Georgia
UG-University of Ghana
UG-University of Glasgow
UG-University of Gloucestershire
UG-University of Gorakhpur
UG-University of Greenwich
UG-University of Groningen
UG-University of Guelph
UG-University of Gujrat
UG-University of Jaipur
UHC-Utkalmani Homoeopathy College
UHI-University of the Highlands and Islands
UHMHALWC-Uswathun Hasana Mamaji Haji Abdul Latheef Womens College
UHOAC - Uswathun Hasana Oriental Arabic College
UHSB-University of Horticultural Sciences Bagalkot
UH-Universitas Hasanuddin
UH-University of Hargeisa
UH-University of Hartford
UH-University of Hertfordshire
UH-University of Houston
UH-University of Huddersfield
UH-University of Hull
UH-University Of Hull Online
UH-University of Hyderabad
UI - University of Ibadan
UIAMS-University Institute of Applied Management Sciences
UIA-University Institute of Architecture
UIBS-Uttaranchal Institute of Business Studies
UICSA-University Institute of Computer Science and Applications
UICT- Universal Institute Of Computer Technology Keolari
UICT-Universal Institute Of Computer And Technology
UICT-University Institute of Chemical Technology
UIDS-Universidad Industrial de Santander
UID-United Institute Of Designing
UIET- Universal Institutions of Engineering and Technology
UIETK-University Institute of Engineering and Technology Kanpur
UIETR-University Institute of Engineering And Technology Rohtak
UIET-University Institute of Engineering and Technology
UIET-University Institute Of Engineering And Technology Chandigarh
UIET-University Institute of Engineering and Technology Kanpur
UIET-University Institute of Engineering and Technology KURUKSHETRA
UIET-University Institute of Engineering and Technology Punjab
UIET-University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Panjab University
UIET-University Institute of Engineering and Technology,MDU,Rohtak
UIET-Utkal Institute Of Engineering And Technology
UIE-University Institute of Engineering
UIHMTCHMT-UIHMT College Of Hotel Management And Tourism
UIHMT-Uttaranchal Institute Of Hospitality Management And Tourism
UIHTS-Udupi Institute of Hotel And Tourism Science
UIIT - Unique Institute of Information Technology
UIIT-University Institute of Information Technology
UII-Universitas Islam Indonesia
UILMS-University Institute of Law and Management Studies
UILS-Universal Institute of Legal Studies
UIMS-Uttam Institute of Management Studies
UIMT-Unique Institute of Management and Technology
UIMT-Unique Institute of Management and Technology Meerut
UIMT-Unique Institute Of Media And Technology
UIMT-Universal Institute Of Management And Technology
UIM-United Institute of Management
UIM-United Institute of Management Noida
UIM-University Institute Of Management
UIM-Uttaranchal Institute of Management
UINS-Uma Institute of Nursing Science
UINS-Uma Institute of Nursing Sciences
UINS-Unity Institute of Nursing Sciences
UIPPS-Udaipur Institute Of Physiotherapy And Paramedical Sciences
UIPS-Ujjain Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
UIPS-Unique Institute Of Professional Studies
UIPS-University Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
UIP-United Institute of Pharmacy
UIP-Universal Institute of Pharmacy
UIP-University Institute of Pharmacy
UIR-Universitas Islam Riau
UIST-University for Information Science and Technology
UIST-University Institute Of Science And Technology
Uit- rgpv
UIT -RGPV Bhopal
UITA-University Institute of Technology Adoor
UITA-University Institute of Technology Alappuzha
UITM-Uttam Institute of Technology and Management
UITPE-Uttarakhand Institute Of Technical And Professional Education
UITP-University Institute of Technology Pathanapuram
UIT-Udaya Institute Of Technology
UIT-United Institute of Technology
UIT-Universal Institute of Technology Balaghat
UIT-University Institute of Technology
UIT-University Institute Of Technology Bhopal
UIT-University Institute Of Technology Burdwan
UIT-University Institute of Technology Kallara
UIT-University Institute Of Technology Mulamkadakam
UIT-University Institute of Technology RGPV
UIT-University Institute of Technology shimla
UIT-University Institute of Technology Thenmala
UIT-University Institute of Technology Vakkom
UIT-University Institute of Technology,Alappuzha
UIT-Unnamalai Institute of Technology
UIT-Uttaranchal Institute of Technology
UITV-UIT Vallakkadavu
UI-University of Ibadan
UI-University of Illinois
UI-University of Ilorin
UI-University of Indonesia
UIU-United International University
UJAP-Universidad José Antonio Páez
UJC-Urbane Junior College
UJC-Urdu Junior College
UJO-University of Jammu Online
UJS-Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
UJ-University of Jammu
UJ-University of Johannesburg
UJ-University of Jordan
UJ-University of Jos
UKAC-Umamaheswaranar Karanthai Arts College
UKDC-UK Degree College
UKFCET-UKF College of Engineering and Technology
UKI-Universitas Komputer Indonesia
UKMC-UK Mahavir College
UKMC-Utikan Kerada Mahabir College
UKMJ-Uttar Kampith Mahavidyalaya Jagara
UKM-Uttar Kampith Mahavidyalaya
UKSIMSR-UKS Institute of Management Studies And Research
UKSM-Umiya Kanya Shiksha Mahavidyalaya
UKSM-Uttari Karnpura Shramik Mahavidyalaya
UK-University of Kalyani
UK-University of Kansas
UK-University of Karachi
UK-University of Kashmir
UK-University of Keele
UK-University of Kent
UK-University of Kentucky
UK-University of Kerala
UK-University of Kerala kariavattom
UK-University of Kota
UKVSS-Udaya Kiranam Voluntary Service Society
UKVSS-Udaya Kiranam Voluntary Service Society CAF
ULA-Universidad Latinoamericana
ULCBUB-University Law College Bangalore University Bangalore
ULCB-University Law College Bhubaneswar
ULCE-Usha Latchumanan College of Education
ULCH-University Law College Hazaribagh
ULC-Unity Law College
ULC-Universal Law College
ULC-University Law College Bhubaneswar
ULS-Universidad de La Salle
UL-Université Laval
UL-University of Iowa
UL-University of Lagos
UL-University of Law
UL-University of Leeds
UL-University of Lethbridge
UL-University of Liberia
UL-University of Limpopo
UL-University of Lincoln
UL-University of Liverpool
UL-University Of Liverpool Online
UL-University of London
UL-University of Lucknow
ULU-Upper Iowa University
UMAA-University of Michigan Ann Arbor
UMA-University of Massachusetts Amherst
UMA-Usha Martin Academy
UMBC-Uday Memorial B Ed College
UMBM - Umapati Mahadev Balika Mahavidyalaya
UMB-Universidad Manuela Beltran
UMB-University of Massachusetts Boston
UMCIAMS-Unani Medical College Institute of Asian Medical Sciences
UMCT-Unnati Management College and Technology
UMC-U h Medical College
UMC-University Maharajas College
UMC-University Maharanis College
UMC-Unnati Management College
UMC-Uttam Memorial College
UM-DAE Centre for Excellences in Basic Sciences
UMDC-United Mission Degree College
UMDC-Ushodaya Mahila Degree College
UMD-University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
UMGDC-Ultra Modern Girls Degree College
UMIT-Usha Mittal Institute of Technology
UMI-Universitas Muslim Indonesia
UMKC-Ujani Majuli Kherkatia College
UMK-University of Mediterranean Karpasia
UMMS-University of Massachusetts Medical School
UMM-Udaynarayanpur Madhabilata Mahavidyalaya
UMM-Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
UMM-University of Muhammadiyah Malang
UMM-University of Wisconsin Madison
UMM-Urmila Mahila Mahavidhyalay
UMNG-Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
UMO-University of Mumbai
UMO-University of Mumbai Online
UMO-University of Mysore
UMO-University of Mysore Online
UMP-Uma Mahavidyalaya Pandharpur
UMSC-Umiya Mahila Science College
UMSL-University of Missouri St Louis
UMSM-Uma Maheshwar Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya
UMSPM-Uma Mahila Shikshak Prashikshan Mahavidyalaya
UMS-Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
UM-Uday Mahavidyalaya
UM-Universidad de Medellín
UM-Universidad del Magdalena
UM-Universidad Mayor
UM-Universidad Medellin
UM-Universidad Mexicana
UM-Université de Moncton
UM-Université de Montréal
UM-University of Macedonia
UM-University of Madras
UM-University of Maiduguri
UM-University of Makati
UM-University of Malaya
UM-University Of Malta
UM-University of Manchester
UM-University of Manitoba
UM-University of Mary North Dakota
UM-University of Maryland
UM-University of Mauritius
UM-University of Memphis
UM-University of Miami
UM-University of Michigan
UM-University of Michigan Dearborn
UM-University of Minnesota
UM-University of Mississippi
UM-University of Missouri
UM-University of Montana
UM-University of Montreal
UM-University of Moratuwa
UM-University of Mumbai
UM-University of Mysore
UM-Upadhi Mahavidyalaya
UM-Urmila Mahavidyalaya
UM-Utkarsh Mahavidhyala
UM-Utkranti Mahavidyalaya
UMU-Usha Martin University
UNAM-Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
UNBC-University of Northern British Columbia
UNBC-Upendra Nath Brahma College
UNB-University of New Brunswick
UNB-University of North Bengal
UNCR-Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
UNC-Universidad Nacional del Callao
UNC-University of North Carolina
UNC-University of Northern Colorado
UNC-University of Nueva Caceres
UNC-Upendra Nath College
UNDA-University of Notre Dame Australia
UNDC-Udit Narain Degree College
UND-University of Notre Dame
UNEP-Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica
UNESR-Universidad Nacional Experimental Simon Rodriguez
UNE-Universidad Nueva Esparta
UNE-University of New England
UNF-University of Naples Federico II
UNH-University of New Hampshire
UNISA-University of South Australia
UNISON-Universidad de Sonora
United States International University-Africa
United states international unversity- africa
UNIT-Uttarakhand-National Institute of Technology
UNI-University of Northern Iowa
Universidad del Bío-Bío Concepcion
Universidad Dominico-Americana
Universitas Islam As-Syafiiyah
Universitas Islam Negeri ar-raniry banda aceh
Universitas Muslim Nusantara Al-Washliyah, Medan Sumut
Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier 3
University Institute of Management - Jabalpur
University of Ado-Ekiti
University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue
University of KwaZulu-Natal
University of Mandaue Lapu-Lapu City
University of Negros Occidental- Recoletos
University of Negros Oocidental- Recoletos
University of Saint La Salle - Bacolod
University of San Jose-Recolletos
University of Santo Tomas-Legazpi
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines - Cagayan de Oro
University of the People - Online
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
UNJ-Universitas Negeri Jakarta
UNKBK-Udyog Nagar Kaushal Bikash Kendra
UNLZ-Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora
UNN-University of Nigeria Nsukka
UNO-University of Nebraska Omaha
UNPGC-Udit Narayan Post Graduate College
UNPRG-Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo
UNP-Universidad Nacional de Piura
UNP-Universitas Negeri Padang
UNP-University of Northern Philippines
UNRM-Udit Narain Rishav Mahavidyalaya
UNSAM-Universidad Nacional de San Martín
UNSC-U N S College
UNSIETC-Uma Nath Singh Institute of Engineering and Technology College
UNSJDC-Upadhyay Nayan Sagar Jain Degree College
UNS-Universitas Negeri Semarang
UNSW-University of New South Wales
UNT-University of North Texas
UN-University of Nairobi
UN-University of Nebraska
UN-University of Newcastle
UN-University of Northern Virginia
UN-University of Nottingham
UNU-Uzhhorod National University
UNY-Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
UOA-University of Auckland
UOB-University of Birmingham
UOB-University of Bridgeport
UOB-University of Buckingham
UOC-Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
UOC-University of Chichester
UOC-University of Colorado
UOD-University of Dundee
UOE-University of Exeter
UOL-University of Limerick
UOM-University of Maryland
UOM-University of Massachusetts
UOP-University of Patanjali
UOSACC-U S Ostwal Science Arts And Commerce College
UOSM-University of Southern Maine
UOT-University of Tartu
UO-Universidad de Oriente
UO-University of Oregon
UO-University of Otago
UO-University of Ottawa
UO-University of Oxford
UO-University of West Indies
UOU-Uttarakhand Open University
UOW-University of Birmingham
UOW-University of Wisconsin
UOW-University of Wollongong
UPAC-Udai Pratap Autonomous College
UPAC-Udai Pratap Autonomous College Varanasi
UPAO-Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego
UPASC-Uttamrao Patil Arts And Science College
UPC- U P College Samastipur
UPC- Ujjain Polytechnic College
UPCA-Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas
UPCE-Universe Professional College of Education
UPCPR-UP College of Polytechnic for Research
UPC-Udai Pratap College
UPC-Udaya engineering College
UPC-Udaya Polytechnic College
UPC-Udhayam Polytechnic College
UPC-Uma Pandey College
UPC-Universal Polytechnic College
UPC-Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña
UPDC-Universidad Piloto de Colombia
UPEC-Uklana Polytechnic And Engineering College
UPEI-University of Prince Edward Island
UPES Online - Centre for Continuing Education
UPES-University of Petroleum and Energy Studies
UPGCASCS-Usha Pravin Gandhi College Of Arts Science And Commerce Science
UPGCM-Usha Pravin Gandhi College of Management
UPGC-Unity PG College
UPGC-Universal PG College
UPGC-University P G College Nirmal
UPGC-University PG College
UPGC-University Post Graduate College
UPGC-University Post Graduate College Godavarikhani
UPGC-University Post Graduate College Karimnagar
UPGC-University Post Graduate College Secunderabad
UPGC-University Post Graduate College Warangal
UPGC-University Post Graduate College,Hanamkonda
UPGUKMBC - Uttar Purva Gujarat Uchcha Kelavani Mandal B Ed College
UPH-University of Perpetual Help
UPH-University of Port Harcourt
UPI-Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
UPKGUDS-UP King Georges University of Dental Sciences
UPM- university Putra Malaysia
UPMC-Upendra Pai Memorial College
UPM-Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
UPN-Universidad Privada del Norte
UPRTOU-Uttar Pradesh Rajarshi Tandon Open University
UPSC - Udaya Pratap Science Col
UPSC - Udaya Pratap Science College
UPSM-Uday Pratap Singh Mahavidyalaya
UPTTI-Uttar Pradesh Textile Technology Institute
UPTU-Uttar Pradesh Technical University
UPUGP-Uday Prasad Uday Government Polytechnic
UPUMS-Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences
UP-Universitas Padjadjaran
UP-Universitas Pamulang
UP-Universitas Pasundan
UP-University of Pamplona
UP-University of Pennsylvania
UP-University of Peradeniya
UP-University of Peshawar
UP-University of Phoenix
UP-University of Pittsburgh
UP-University Of Playmouth Online
UP-University of Portsmouth
UP-University Of Portsmouth Online
UP-University of Pretoria
UP-University of Pune
UP-University of the Philippines
UP-University Polytechnic
UP-Unsiversity of Pune
UP-Unsiversity of Puneet
UP-Uttaratech Polytechnic
UPVPS-Uttar Pradesh Vastra Prodyogiki Sansthan
UPWARDS personal LOAN App customer CARE HELPLINE NUMBER 91-8910367320=8276918275-629993072/8276918275
UPWARDS personal LOAN CUSTOMER CARE number 91-8910367320=6289993072v<9732430098/8276918275
UQAT-Université du Québec à Abitibi-Temiscamingue
UQC-Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
UQM-Université du Québec à Montréal
UQO-Université du Québec en Outaouais
UQR-Université du Québec à Rimouski
UQTR-Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
UQ-Université du Québec
Ur- univercity of Rajasthan
URCEK-Usha Rani College Of Education Kharagpur
URCET-Usha Rama College of Engineering and Technology
URCE-Usha Rani College Of Education
URCISE-Umang Red Cross Institute of Special Education
URC-U R College
URC-Udayna Charya Rosera College
URC-University Rajasthan College
URICM-Udaybhansinhi Regional Institute of Cooperative Management
URSM-Umakant Radhakant Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya
UR-Universitas Riau
UR-University of Rajshahi
UR-University of Rajsthan
UR-University of Reading
UR-University of Regina
UR-University of Rochester
UR-University of Roehampton
UR-University of Rwanda
URU-Uttarakhand Residential University
USAP-University School of Architecture and Planning
USA-Universidad Sergio Arboleda
USA-University of South Africa
USA-University of St Andrews
USBM-United School of Business Management
USB-Unitedworld School of Business
USB-Universidad San Buenaventura
USCE-Udaya Sandhya College of Education
USC-University of San Carlos
USC-University of South Carolina
USC-University of Southern California
USC-University of the Sunshine Coast
USET-University School Of Engineering And Technology
USE-Udaya School of Engineering
USF- Uday Skill Foundation
USF-University of South Florida
USGASC-Umme Salma Girls Arts and Science College
USGCSA-Umme Salma Girls College of Science and Arts
USHMCT-University School Of Hotel Management and Catering Technology
USICT-University School of Information and Communication Technology
USIC-University Science Instrumentation Centre
USITM-Unipower School of It and Management
USIT-University School of Information Technology
USIU-United States International University
USJ-University of Saint Joseph
USKEC-Uma Shankar Katiyar Education Centre
USKSTSHTC-University Sri Kaniram Salagram Tak Satellite Hospital and Training Centre
USLC-Umanath Singh Law College
USL-Unitedworld School of Law Gandhinagar
USL-University Studies In Law
USM- University of Southern Mindanao
USMA - Universidad Santa María La Antigua
USMCE-Uma Shiv Memorial College of Education
USMC-University of Saint Michaels College
USMC-University School of Mass Communication
USMRFGC-USMR First Grade College
USMSJ-University of St Mark and St John
USMS-University School of Management Studies
USMT-Utkarsh School of Management and Technology
USM-Ujjawal Singh Mahavidyalaya
USM-Uma Shikshanshastra Mahavidyalaya
USM-Umashankar Shastri Mahavidyalaya
USM-Universidad Santa María
USM-Universitas Sebelas Maret
USM-Utkal Sangeet Mahavidyalaya
USM-Utkalmani Sanskrit Mohavidyalaya
USOES-U S Ostwal Education Society
USPCE-USP College of Education
USPPC-USP Polytechnic College
USPS-University School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
USP-University of Southeastern Philippines
USP-University of the South Pacific
USQ-University of Southern Queensland
USRM-Udairaj Singh Rampyari Mahavidyalaya
USTM-University of Science and Technology Meghalaya
UST-Universidad Santo tomas
UST-University of Santo Tomas
UST-University of Science and Technology
UST-University of St Thomas
UST-University of Stirling
UST-Utah State University
US-Universiteit Stellenbosch
US-University of Salford
US-University of Sargodha
US-University of Saskatchewan
US-University of Sheffield
US-University of Sherbrooke
US-University of Sindh
US-University of Southampton
US-University of Stirling
US-University of Strathclyde
US-University of Suffolk
US-University of Sunderland
US-University of Surrey
US-University of Sussex
US-University of Sydney
USU-Uttarakhand Sanskrit University
USVM-Udairaj Singh Vidhi Mahavidyalaya
USW-University of South Wales
UTBMSC - Ugra Tara Bharati Mandan Sanskrit College
UTCA-Ultimate Training Centre Ashta
UTCN-Technical University of Cluj Napoca
UTC-Universidad Tecnológica de Chile
UTDC-United Tribal Degree College
UTDC-Universidad Tecnológica de Chile
UTD-The University of Texas at Dallas
UTI-Umrao Technological Institute
UTIW-University of The Incarnate Word
Utkarsha college-Viva College of Arts Science and Commerce
UTMM-Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
UTM-Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana
UTM-University of Technology and Management
UTN-Universidad Tecnológica Nacional
UTP-Universidad Tecnológica del Perú
UTP-University Of The Punjab
UTSMAC-U T S Mahila Arts College
UTSMAC-Uni Trust Surajba Mahila Arts College
UTS-University of Technology Sydney
UTTCJ-Universe Teachers Training College Jaipur
UTTC-Universal T T College
UTTC-Universal Teacher Training College
UTT-Universidad Torcuato Di Tella
UT-Universidad Tecmilenio
UT-University of Tasmania
UT-University of Texas
UT-University of Toronto
UTU-Uka Tarsadia University
UTU-Uttarakhand Technical University
UTU-Uttrakhand Technical University
UTV-University of Technology Vatika
UUC-Utkal University of Culture
UUR-Udayana University Rectorate
UU-Ulster University
UU-University of Ulster
UU-University of Uyo
UU-Utkal University
UU-Utrecht University
UU-Uttaranchal University
UVAS-University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
UVCEB-University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering Bangalore
UVCE-University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering
UVKCK-U V K College Karama
UVKC-U V K College
UVOCCE-University VOC College Of Engineering
UVPCE-U V Patel College of Engineering
UVSE-Ultra Vision Skill and Empowerment
UVSM-Uma Vindhyavasini Sanskar Mahavidyalaya
UV-Universidad Veracruzana
UV-University of the Visayas
UV-University of Vermont
UV-University of Victoria
UV-URBE Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacín
UVUSCS-UV Sanskar College Surguja
UVU-Utah Valley University
UWA-The University of Western Australia
UWC-Unity Women College
UWEC-University of Wisconsin Eau Claire
UWE-University of the West of England
UWFGC-Udayabharathi Womens First Grade College
UWF-University of West Florida
UWI-University of the West Indies
UWL-University of Wales Trinity Saint David
UWL-University of West London
UWO-University of Western Ontario
UWO-University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
UWS-University of the West of Scotland
UWS-University of West of Scotland
UWS-University of West Scotland
UWS-University of Western Sydney
UWS-University of Wisconsin Stout
UWTTC-Ursuline Women Teachers Training College
UW-Universitas Widyatama
UW-University of the Witwatersrand
UW-University of Wah
UW-University of Waikato
UW-University of Wales
UW-University of Warwick
UW-University of Washington
UW-University of Waterloo
UW-University of Westminster
UW-University of Winchester
UW-University of Windsor
UW-University of Winnipeg
UW-University of Wollongong
UW-University of Wolverhampton
UW-University of Worcester
UW-University of Wroclaw
UY-University of York
UZ-University of Zambia
UZ-University of Zimbabwe