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All Colleges
Colleges in India starting with letter J
J.L -Priyadarshini Engineering College
JAAI-Jai Arihant Academic Institut
JAAI-Jain Arts Academy Indore
JACC-Jafri Arts and Commerce College
JACC-Janata Arts Commerce College
JACC-Jasani Arts and Commerce College
JACIHPSC-Jagat Arts Commerce Indraben hariharbhai Patel Science College
JACPC-Jayaraj Annapackiam Csi Polytechnic College
JACSC-Jailaxmi Arts Commerce and Science College
JACSC-Jijau Arts Commerce and Science College
JACSCSC-Jeevandeep Arts Commerce Science and Computer Science College
JACSICE-Jayaraj Annapackiam CSI College of Engineering
JACTE-Jai Arihant College of Teacher Education
JACW-Jayaraj Annapackiam College for Women
JADC-Jai Aruna Degree College Kothakota
JAETASCGC-Jadid Anjuman E Taleem Arts Science and Commerce Girls College
JAGMIT-Jain AGM Institute of Technology
JAIIT-Jai Ambe Institute of Information Technology
Jain (deemed-to-be) University
Jain Deemed-to-be University
JAJJMESPS-Jai Abla Jag Jivan Mahavidyalaya Evam Shikshan Prashikshan Sansthan
JAM-Jamda Anchalika Mahavidyalaya
JAM-Janta Adarsh Mahavidyalaya Maksudanpur
jamshedpur co-operative college
JASCC-Janta Arts Science and Commerce College
JASCC-Jawahar Arts Science And Commerce College
JASCE-JAS College of Education
JASC-Jagadamba Arts Science College
JASC-Jairam Arts and Science College
JASC-Jayam Arts And Science College
JASC-Jayasree Arts And Science College
JASC-Joseph Arts and Science College
JASCWBK-Jijau Arts and Science College Warud BK
JASIGPGC-Jawad Ali Shah Imambara Girls PG College
JATASCC-J A T Arts Science And Commerce College
JATHM-Jenneys Academy of Tourism and Hotel Management
JAU-Junagadh Agricultural University
JAVGDC-Jain Asthanak Vasi Girls Degree College
JAVSEC-Jagadguru Annadaneshwar Vidya Samiti Education College
JBASC-Jai Bharath Arts And Science College
JBASCW-Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College For Women
JBC - Jalangi BEd College
JBC - Jasidih BEd College
JBCACSP-Jafri Bca College Sadrana Patan
JBCA-Jai Bharti College Abdalpura
JBCC-Jai Bharat College Of Commerce
JBCEAG-Jujari and Biradar College of Education Afzalpur Gulbarga
JBCE-Jnana Bharathi College Of Education
JBCE-Jnana Bharati College of Education
JBCEN-J Beera College of Education Narsapur
JBCHMCT-John Bauer College of Hotel Management and Catering Technology
JBC-J B College Jorhat
JBC-J Buana College
JBC-Jagannath Barooah College
JBC-Jamestown Business College
JBC-Jasoda Bishnu College
JBC-Joypur B Ed College
JBC-Jyoti B Ed College
JBCK-Jai Burdhadev College Katghora
JBCL-Jai Bundelkhand College of Law
JBCMET-Jai Bharath College of Management and Engineering Technology
JBCS-Jankidevi Bajaj College of Science
JBCU-Jai Bharati College Ujjain
JBDC-Jawahar Bharati Degree College
JBDC-Jham Baba Degree College
JBDCS-Jnana Bharati Degree College Siruguppa
JBDPGCK-Jawahar Bharati Degree and PG College Kavali
JBECA-Jaipuria B Ed College Angara
JBEC-Jayasanthi B Ed College
JBEC-John Bosco Engineering College
JBEDC-Jamui B Ed College
JBGC- J B Girls College Toonga
JBGDC-Jai Bajrang Girls Degree College
JBICJ-J B International College Jaipur
JBICT-J B Institute of Computer Technology
JBIET-J B Institute of Engineering and Technology
JBIMS-Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies
JBIMS-Jankidevi Bajaj Institute of Management Studie
JBIMS-Jankidevi Bajaj Institute of Management Studies
JBISEMT-Jai Bundelkhand Institute for Science Education Management and Technology
JBIT-JB Institute of Technology
JBJLKM-Jai Bala Ji Lalit Kishor Mahavidyalaya
JBKP-JB Knowledge Park
JBLC-Jai Bundelkhand Law College
JBMCTE-Jameela Beevi Memorial Centre for Teacher Education
JBMDC-JB Mahajan Degree College
JBMDC-JBM Degree College
JBMISEMT-Jai Bundelkhand Mahavidhyalaya Institute For Science Education Management And Technology
JBM-Jai Bundelkhand Mahavidyalaya
JBM-Jan Bharati Mahavidyalaya
JBMMDC-JB Mahajan Mahila Degree College
JBMM-Jai Bundelkhand Mahavidyalaya Mahoba
JBMM-Jay Bajrang Mahila Mahavidyalaya
JBPBEC-Jay Bajrang Pratishthans B Ed College
JBPC-Jnana Bharathi Polytechnic College
JBPSLC-Jyoti Bhushan Pratap Singh Law College
JBRAC-J B R Architecture College
JBREC-Joginpally B R Engineering College
JBRM-Jang Bahadur Rai Mahavidyalaya
JBRPC-Joginapally B R Pharmacy College
JBSASKAPASC-JBSAS Kamal Aakka Patil Arts Science and Commerce
JBSDC-Jang Bahadur Singh Dhanaur College
JBSDC-JBS Dhanour College
JBSES-Jail Bait Sawant Education Society
JBSGC-J B shah Girls College
JBSGM-Jai Bajrang Shiv Gulam Mahavidyalaya
JBSGPGC-J B Shah Girls PG College
JBSI-JBS Institute
JBS-J B S Dhanour College
JBS-Jaypee Business School
JBSM-JBS Mahavidyalaya
JBSM-Jeet Bahadur Singh Mahavidyalaya
JBSPDC-Jang Bahadur Singh Patel Degree College
JBSPMACMM-Jai Bhawani Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Arts Commerce Mahila Mahavidyalaya
JBSPMASC-J B S P Mandals Arts And Science College
JBSPMASC-Jai Bhavani Shikshan Prasarak Mandals Arts and Science College
JBSPMCBCA-Jai Bhavani Shikshan Prasarak Mandal College of BCA
JBSPMIP-JBSPM Institute Of Pharmacy
JBTCC-J B Thacker Commerce College
JBTTI-JB Teachers Training Institute
JBU-John Brown University
JBWCE-Jan Baz wali College of Education
JBWEC-J B Womens Engineering College
JC- Jayanand College
JCACSA-Javahar College of Arts Commerce And Science Andoor
JCAE-Jabalpur College of Agriculture Engineering
JCA-Jorhat College Amalgamated
JCASC-Jagran College Of Arts Science And Commerce
JCAS-Jaya College of Arts and Science
JCAS-Jothis College Of Arts and Science
JCBIER-JC Bose Institute of Education and Research
JCB-Jain College Bhind
JCB-Janata College Boinda
JCB-Janta College Bakewar
JCBSSM-Jagadish Chandra Basu Sikshak Sikshan Mahavidyalaya
JCCC-Jabalpur College Of Computers & Communication
JCCC-Jabalpur College of Computers and Communication
JCCC-Jogesh Chandra Chaudhuri College
JCC-Jaglal Choudhary College
JCC-Jamshedpur Cooperative College
JCC-Jamshedpur women's college
JCC-Janagaraj Chelladurai College
JCC-Japfu Christain College
JCC-Japfu Christian College
JCC-Jarvis Christian College
JCCL - Jagarlamudi Chandramouli College Of Law
JCCLC-Jogesh Chandra Chaudhuri Law College
JCCL-Jitendra Chauhan College of Law
JCCST-Jyoti College of Computer Science and Technology
JCCTY-Jawahar College of Computer Technology Yadgir
JCDAVC-Jagdish Chandra DAV College
JCDC-Jaya Chandra Degree College
JCDCP-J C D College of Physiotherapy
JCD-Jharkhand College Dumri
JCDPGCE-JCD PG College of Education
JCDRAC-J C Diwakar Reddy Agricultural College
JCDV-Jan Nayak Chaudhary Devi Lal Vidyapeeth
JCE - Joypur College of Education
JCE - Jyoti College of Education
JCEB-Janardan College of Education B Ed Maldah
JCEB-Janardan College of Education B.Ed
JCE-J M College of Education
JCE-Jaat College of Education
JCE-Jaihind College of Engineering
JCE-Jaikranti College Of Education
JCE-Jain College of Education
JCE-Jain College of Engineering
JCE-Jain College of Engineering Belagavi
JCE-Jainee College Of Education
JCE-Jairam College of Education
JCE-Jairupa College of Education
JCE-Jairupaa College of Engineering
JCE-James College of Education
JCE-Jamia College Of Education
JCE-Jana College of Education
JCE-Janata College of Education
JCE-Jangipur College of Education
JCE-Janki College of Education
JCE-Janta College of Education
JCE-Jasmine College Of Education
JCE-Jaya College of Education
JCE-Jayanthi College of Education
JCE-Jeevan College of Education
JCE-Jenneys College of Education
JCE-Jerusalem College of Engineering
JCE-Jhankar College of Education
JCE-Jhansi College of Education
JCE-Jijau College of Education
JCE-Jnanamantapa College of Education
JCE-Jnp College of Education
JCE-Joyananda College of Education
JCE-Jyothi College Of Education
JCE-Jyothishmathi College of Engineering
JCEK-Jat College of Education Kaithal
JCEM-Jaywant College of Engineering and Management
JCER-Jaypee College of Education Rewa
JCET-Jagadambha College of Engineering And Technology
JCET-Jagadambha College of Engineering And Technology yavatmal
JCET-Jagans College of Engineering and Technology
JCET-Jain College of Engineering and Technology
JCET-Jainee College of Engineering and Technology
JCET-James College of Engineering and Technology
JCET-Jawaharlal College of Engineering and Technology Kerala
JCET-Jaya College Of Engineering And Technology
JCET-Jayam College of Engineering and Technology
JCET-Jayaram College of Engineering and Technology
JCET-Jyothishmathi College Of Engineering And Technology
JCETM-Jawaharlal College of Engineering and Technology Mangalam
JCETSCC-JCE Trust Sanchilit Commerce College
JCG-Jain College Gwalior
JCGP-Jnan Chandra Ghosh Polytechnic
JC-J M college
JC-Jagannath College Sahajbahal
JC-Jagdam College
JC-Jagdamba College
JC-Jagiroad College
JC-Jagjiwan College
JC-Jaikranti College
JC-Jain college
JC-Jain College Gwalior
JC-Jain College of MCA and MBA
JC-Jaipur Campus
JC-Jaleswar College
JC-Jamankira College
JC-Jamtara College
JC-Jamunamukh College
JC-Janapriya College
JC-Janata College
JC-Janata College Satmile
JC-Jangipur College
JC-Janta College
JC-Jashipur College
JC-Jatni College
JC-Jawaharlal College
JC-Jaysingpur College
JC-Jeewachh College Motipur
JC-Jengraimukh College
JC-Jiadhal College
JC-Jiral College
JC-Jiri College
JCJ-Jagannath College Jaleswar
JCJ-Jain College Jamshedpur
JCJ-Jain College Jayanagar
JCJ-Jamalpur College Jamalpur
JCJ-Jaswantpura College Jaswantpura
JCJ-JD PG College Jaipur
JCJ-Jehanabad College Jehanabad
JC-Johnson College
JC-Jubilee College Bhurkunda
JC-Judson College
JC-Junabhadra College
JC-Juniata College
JC-Jupiter Crafts
JC-Juria College
JCK-Janata College Kuhudi
JCK-Jat College Kaithal
JCLB-Jagmohan College of Law Baghpat
JCLIS-Joshi College of Library and Information Science
JCL-Janhit College of Law
JCLS-Jagdamba College of Library Science
JCM - Jain College Morena
JCMCSIIT-John Cox Memorial CSI Institute of Technology
JCMGCG-J C Mill Girls College Gwalior
JCMIE-Jagadish Chandra Mandal Institute Of Education
JCM-Jagiroad College Morigaon
JCMM-Jeevan Chanan Mahila Mahavidyalaya
JCMSC-Jkm College of Management Science And Commerce
JCMST-Jyoti College Of Management Science And Technology
JCNH-Jaya College of Nursing Hyderabad
JCN-Jagadguru Shankaracharya College of Nursing
JCN-Jainee College of Nursing
JCN-Jaiswal College of Nursing
JCN-Jeeva College of Nursing
JCN-Jennys College of Nursing Tiruchirappalli
JCN-Josco College of Nursing
JCN-Jupiter College Of Nursing
JCN-Juria College Nagaon
JCNM-Joitiba College of Nursing Mehsana
JCNRMDC-JCNRM Degree College
JCNRm-JCNRM junior college
JCPE-Jenneys College of Physical Education
JCPE-Jyotiba College of Physical Education
JCP-Jagans College of Pharmacy
JCP-Jaipur College of Pharmacy
JCP-Jamia College Of Pharmacy
JCP-Jammu College of Physiotherapy
JCP-Jamwamata College of Polytechnic
JCP-Janta College of Pharmacy Gohana
JCP-Jat College of Polytechnic
JCP-Jayamukhi College Of Pharmacy
JCP-Jeypore College of Pharmacy
JCP-Jyothishmathi College Of Pharmacy
JCPS-Jaya College of Paramedical and Science
JCPS-Jaya College Of Paramedical Sciences
JCSA-Jijamata College of Science and Arts
JCSK-J M College Sakri Kudra
JCSU-Johnson C Smith University
JCTCET-JCT College of Engineering and Technology
JCTPC-JCT Polytechnic College
JCU-James Cook University
JCU-James Cook University Australia
JCU-James Cook University, Singapore
JCU-Jananayak Chandrashekhar University
JCU-John Carroll University
JDAC-Jamia Darussalam Arabic College
JDBGGC-Janki Devi Bajaj Government Girls College
JDBGPGGC-Janaki Devi Bajaj Government PG Girls College
JDBIK-J D Birla Institute Kolkata
JDBK-J D Birla Institute Kolkatta
JDBKMOSCE-Jai Durga Bhavani Krida Mandals Om Sai College of Education
JDC - JJS Degree College
JDCBIMSR-J D C Bytco Institute of Management Studies And Research
JDCB-Jain Degree College Bhind
JDCE-J D College Of Education
JDCE-Jagrani Devi College of Education
JDCE-JD College of Engineering
JDCEM-J D College Of Engineering And Management
JDC-Jagannath Degree College
JDC-Jagans Degree College
JDC-Jagatpur Degree College
JDC-Jagruthi Degree College
JDC-Jagruthi Degree College Hyderabad
JDC-Jagruthi Degree College Ranga Reddy
JDC-Jahnavi Degree And pg college
JDC-Jahnavi Degree College
JDC-Jahnavi Degree College Boduppal
JDC-Jaloe Degree College
JDC-Jamla Degree College
JDC-Janahitha Degree College
JDC-Janki Devi College
JDC-Janta Degree College
JDC-Janta Degree College Bijnor
JDC-Janta Degree College Etah
JDC-Janta Degree College Mau
JDC-Jasrana Degree College
JDC-Jayasree Degree College
JDC-Jenapur Degree College
JDC-Jhadeswar Degree College
JDC-Jodhpur Dental College
JDC-Jogamaya Devi College
JDCK-Jagannath Degree College Kalahandi
JDCK-Janta Degree College Korthu
JDCM-Jagruthi Degree College Medak
JDCN-Jagruthi Degree College Narayanguda
JDCNK-JD College of Nursing Kadappa
JDCOEM-J D College Of Engineering And Management
JDCP-Janta Degree College Patla
JDCS-Jagannath Degree College Sahajbahal
JDCS-Jagruthi Degree College Shadnagar
JDCS-Janhit Degree College Saharanpur
JDCT-Jagadguru Dattatray College of Technology
JDCW-Jyothirmayee Degree College for Women
JDDC-Jagathi Disabled Degree College
JDDWC-Jagabandhu Dash Degree Womens College
JDEC-Jnanapeetha Degree Evening College
JDFGC-Jnana Deepa First Grade College
JDGC-JD Girls College
JDGDC-Juhari Devi Girls Degree College
JDGPC-Juhari Devi Girls Postgraduate College
JDGVSU-Jai Dunja Gramin Vikas Santshan Uniara
JDIE-Jaladhar Dey Institute Of Education
JDIET-Jawaharlal Darda Institute of Engineering and Technology
JDIFT-JD Institute of Fashion of Technology
JDIFT-JD Institute of Fashion Technology
JDJBADC-JDJB Anand Degree College
JD-Jyotish Darbhanga
JDKMK-Jain Diwakar Kamala Mahavidyalaya Kota
JDMBRILSHE-Jagwati Devi Moolchand Baboo Ram Institute of Life Science and Higher Education
JDMC-Janki Devi Memorial College
JDM-Jwala Devi Mahavidyalaya
JDMM - Jai Daant Mata Mahavidyalaya
JDMM-Janak Dulari Mahila Mahavidyalaya
JDMM-Jira Devi Mahila Mahavidyalya
JDMVPASCC-JDMVPs Art Science And Commerce College
JDMVPCSASCC-Jalgaon District Maratha Vidya Prasarak Co-Operative Societys Art Science and Commerce College
JDNBEC-JD National B Ed College
JDNCM-Jamuna Devi Naresh Chandra Mahavidhyalaya
JDNSM-Jhhauva Dharm Nagar Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya
JDPC - Jaagruthi Degree and PG College
JDPC - Jaagruthi Degree college
JDPGC-Jagans Degree and PG College
JDPGC-Jagruti Degree and PG College
JDPGC-Jagruti Degree and Post Graduate College
JDP-J D Polytechnic
JDPSACC-J D Patil Sangludkar Arts and Commerce College
JDSDC-JDS Degree College
JDSDC-Jhinaki Devi Smarak Degree College
JDSGC-Joganada Deva Satradhikar Goswami College
JDSM-Jagrani Devi Shiksha Mahavidhyalaya
JDSM-Jhinki Devi Smarak Mahavidyalaya
JDTICAS-J D T Islam College of Arts and Science
JDTICN-JDT Islam College of Nursing
JDTICP-JDT Islam College of Pharmacy
JDTICP-JDT Islam College of Physiotherapy
JDTM-Janki Devi Teenmurti Mahavidyalaya
JDTTC-Jasoda Devi Teachers Training College
JDVMPGDC-Jwala Devi Vidya Mandir PG Degree College
JDWC-J D Womens College
JDWC-J D Womens College patna
JEC-Jabalpur Engineering College
JEC-Jain Evening College
JEC-Jaipur Engineering College
JEC-Jawahar Engineering College
JEC-Jaya Engineering College
JEC-Jayamatha Engineering College
JEC-Jeppiaar Engineering College
JEC-Jorhat Engineering College
JEC-Jyothi Engineering College
JECRC-Jaipur Engineering College and Research Centre
JECRC-Jaipur Engineering College Research Centre
JECRC-Jodhpur Engineering College Research Centre
JECSSKACC-J E Co Op Societys Sri Kumareshwar Arts and Commerce College
JECSSKACC-J E Coop Societys Sri Kumareshwar Arts and Commerce College
JEH-JSS Institute of Education Huvinahadagali
JEMTC-JIMS Engineering Management Technical Campus
JES- Jogeshwari Education Society
JESASCC-Jagdamba Education Societys Arts Science and Commerce College
JESASCC-Jijamata Education Societys Arts Science and Commerce College
JESCE-JES College of Education
JESCE-Jijamata Education Societys College of Education
JESCEV-JES College of Education Visakhapatnam
JESCN-J E S College of Nursing
JESIP-J E S Institute Of Pharmacy
JESITMR-Jawahar Education Society Institute of Technology Management and Research
JESITMR-Jawahar Education Societys Institute of Technology Management and Research
JES-Jharsuguda Engineering School
JESSCP-JESS College Of Pharmacy
JETGI-Jahangirabad Educational Trust Group Of Institutions
JET-Jehlum Educational Trust
JFCE-Jyotiba Fule College of Education
JFC-Jafari And Fatima College
JFGCW-Jindal First Grade College for Women
JFKU-John F Kennedy University
JFLBACE-Janseva Foundation Loni Budruks Arts and Commerce College
JFUG-Joseph Fourier University Grenoble
JGACE-Jagannath Gomati Ambavatiya College of Education
JGBC-Jamna Girls B Ed College
JGCCA-J G College Of Computer Application
JGCC-Jagadguru Gangadhar College of Commerce
JGCC-JG College of Commerce
JGCE - JG College of Education
JGCE-Jai Ganesh College of Education
JGCE-JG College of Education Sirsa
JGCEW-J G College of Education for Women
JGC-J G College
JGC-Jain Global Campus
JGC-Janta Girls College
JGC-Jonai Girls College
JGC-Joya Gogoi College
JGCN-J G College of Nursing
JGCPA-JG College of Performing Arts
JGCPC-J G College Of Physiotherapy Clinic
JGCSR-Jeel Goswami College Of Science And Research
JGCSW-Jai Gurudev College Of Social Work
JGDACC-JG Doshi Arts and Commerce College
JGDC-Jain Girls Degree College
JGDM-Jay Giriraj Dharan Mahavidyalaya
JGEC-Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College
JGFGC-Janata Government First Grade College
JGGC-JG Group of Colleges
JGIBA-JG Institute of Business Administration
JGIET-Jagannath Gupta Institute of Engineering and Technology
JGIET-Jagannath Gupta Institute of Engineering and Technologyf
JGI-Janhit Group Of Institutions
JGI-Jivkaran Group Of Institute
JGIT-Jnana Gamya Institute Of Technologies
JGJNGC-Jaharveer Goga Ji National Girls College
JGMTTC-Jharkhand Government Mini Tool Room And Training Centre
JGPMM-Jhaulal Gajodhar Prasad Mahila Mahavidyalaya
JGSM-Jay Gurudev Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya
JGSSMM-Jai Ganesh Shiv Sagar Mahila Mahavidyalay
JGU-O P Jindal Global University
JHAAC-Jayagovind Harigopal Agarwal Agarsen College
JHBCE-Jai Hind Bismil College of Education
JHBEC-Jakir Hossain B Ed College
JHC - Jai Hind College
JHCE-Jai Hind College of Education
JHC-Jai Hind
JHC-Jai Hind College
JHC-Jai Hind Collegeghf
JHC-JH College
JHDP-Jayvantrai Harrai Desai Polytechnic
JHIP-Jakir Hossain Institute of Polytechnic
JHMC-Jhalawar Hospital and Medical College
JHNSC-J H N S College
JHPCMT-JH Patel College of Management and Technology
JHPECSB-J H Patel Education College Sindagi Bijapur
JHPIMT-J H Patel Institute of Management And Technology
JHPSM-Jai Hanuman Prabhat Singh Mahavidhalaya
JHSC-Jhanji Hemnath Sarma College
JHSETMUCC-Jai Hind Sindhu Education Trusts Manganmal Udharam College of Commerce
JHSPMDDCBLIT-JHS PM Datt Digamber College of B Lib and IT
JHU-Jamia Hamdard University
JHU-Johns Hopkins University
JHUO-Jamia Hamdard University Online
JIA-Jhulelal Institute Of Architecture
JIAR-Jammu Institute of Ayurveda and Research
JIBA-Jivkaran Institute of Business Administration
JIBS-Jayawant Institute of Business Studies
JICA-Jayawant Institute of Computer Application
JICA-Jayawant Institute Of Computer Applications
JIC-Janta Inter College
JICS-Jabalpur Institute of Computer Science
JIEA-Jialal Institute of Education Ajmer
JIEI-Janhit Institute of Education and Information
JIE-Janhit Institute of Education
JIE-JS Institute of Education
JIEM-Jaipur Institute of Engineering and Management
JIEMS-Jamia Institute Of Engineering And Management Studies
JIETCE-JIET College of Engineering
JIET-Jagannath Institute of Engineering and Technology
JIET-Jagruti Institute of Engineering And Technology
JIET-Jaipur Institute of Engineering and Technology
JIET-Jaypee Institute of Engineering and Technology
JIET-Jhadeswar Institute Of Engineering And Technology
JIET-Jiaganj Institute of Education and Training
JIET-Jind Institute of Engineering and Technology
JIET-Jodhpur Institute of Engineering and Technology
JIETSETG-JIET School of Engineering and Technology for Girls
JIG-Jain Institute Gwalior
JIHE-Jagriti Institute of Higher Education
JIHS-Josco Institute Of Health Sciences
JIIT-Jawad Institute of Information Technology
JIIT-Jaypee Institute of Information Technology
JIIT-Jyoti Institute Of Information Technology
JIIUIIMSR--Jamia Islamia Ishaatul Ulooms Indian Institute of Medical Science and Research
JIIUIIMSR--Jamia Milia islamia Ulooms Indian Institute of Medical Science and Research
JIIUJP-Jamia Islamia Ishaatul Uloom Jamia Polytechnic
JIIUSJCE-JIIUS Jamia College of Education
JI-Jain Institute Gwalior
JI-Jyoti Infotech
JIL-Jetking Infotrain Limited
JIME-Jain Institute Of Management And Entrepreneurship
JIM-Jagran Institute of Management
JIM-Jaipuria Institute of Management
JIM-Jaipuria Institute of Management Ghaziabad
JIM-Jaywant Institute of Management
JIML-Jaipuria Institute of Management Lucknow
JIMN-Jaipuria Institute of Management ghaziabad
JIMN-Jaipuria Institute of Management Noida
JIMS- Jagannath Institute of Management Sciences
JIMS-Jagan Institute of Management Studies
JIMS-Jagannath Institute of Management Studies
JIMS-Jagannath International Management School
JIMS-Jagans Institute Of Management Studies
JIMS-Jayamukhi Institute of Management Sciences
JIMS-Jayawant Institute of Management Studies
JIMSTC-Jagan Institute Of Management Studies Technical Campus
JIMT-Jagmohan Institute Of Management And Technology
JIMT-Jeevandeep Institute of Management And Technology
JIMT-Jhunjhunwala Institute Of Management And Technology
JIN-Jagdalpur Institute of Nursing
JINR-Jai Institute Of Nursing And Research
JINSR-Jabalpur Institute of Nursing Sciences and Research
JIPGMER-Jawaharlal Institute of PG Medical Education and Research
JIP-Jayawant Institute Of Pharmacy
JIP-Jeppiaar Institute Of Technology
JIPMER-Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research
JIPS-Jangaon Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
JIPS-Jayamukhi Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
JIPS-Jyothishmathi Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
JIPT-Jindal Institute of Power Technology
JISCE-J I S College of Engineering
JISSP-JIS School of Polytechnic
JIST-Jorhat Institute of Science and Technology
JISTVV-Jivkaran Institute of Science and Technology Vallabh Vidyanagar
JITB-Jawaharlal Institute of Technology Borawan
JIT-Jain Institute of Technology
JIT-Jain Institute of Technology davanagere
JIT-Jain Institute of Technology Gandhinagar
JIT-Jaipur Institute of Technology
JIT-Jansons Institute of Technology
JIT-Jawaharlal Institute of Technology
JIT-Jaya Institute of Technology
JIT-Jayalakshmi Institute of Technology
JIT-Jeppiaar Institute of Technology
JIT-Jhulelal Institute of Technology
JIT-Jnanavikas Institute of Technology
JIT-Jyothy Institute of Technology
JITM-Jagannath Institute For Technology And Management
JITM-Jagannath Institute Technology and Management
JITS- jogaigh Institute of Technology and Sciences
JITSCE-Jogaiah Institute Of Technology And Sciences College Of Engineering
JITSCP-Jogaiah Institute of Technology and Sciences College Of Pharmacy
JITS-Jayamukhi Institute of Technological Sciences
JITS-Jogaiah Institute Of Technology And Sciences
JITS-Jogaiah Institute Of Technology And Sciences Palakole
JITS-Jogaiah Institutes of Technology and Sciences
JITS-Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology
JITS-Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology and Science
JITSP-JITS Polytechnic
JJCAS-J J College of Arts and Science
JJCCJ-John Jay College of Criminal Justice
JJCE-Janki Ji College of Education
JJCE-Jeevan Jyoti College of Education
JJCE-JJ College of Education
JJCET-J J College of Engineering and Technology
JJCET-J J College of Engineering and TechnologyJjhh
JJC-J J College
JJC-Jaagruthi Junior College
JJC-Jain Jawan College
JJC-Jnana Jyothi College
JJCP-J J College Of Pharmacy
JJCS-J and J College of Science
JJCS-Jethabhai And Jhaverbhai College of Science
JJCT-Jai Jawan College Tarana
JJDC-Jnana Jyothi Degree College
JJERCT-Jai Jagdambay Education Research and Charitable Trust
JJESCPE-Jai Jyothi Education Societys College Of Physical Education
JJETRMAC-Jeevan Joyt Educational Trusts Reena Mehta Arts and Commerce
JJHMC-Jay Jalaram Homeopathic Medical College
JJHMC-Jay Jalaram Homoeopathic Medical College
JJI - Jnana Jyothi Institution
JJICE-JJ Institute Of Computer Education
JJIIT-JJ Institute of Information Technology
JJM-JJ Mahavidyalaya
JJMMC-JJM Medical College
JJMMN-Jairam Janaki Mahavidyalaya Maharishi Nagar
JJMPL-Jose And Jenice Multitech Private Limited
JJPC-J J Polytechnic College
JJPC-Jiwan Jyoti Polytechnic College
JJPLSVZNCSN-Jeevan Jyoti Pratisthan Late Sau Vasudha Zade Nursing College Sarkar Nagar
JJRCE-JJR College Of Education
JJRM-Jai Jai Ram Mahavidyalaya
JJSPMC-Jai Jawan SPM College
JJTSM-Jay Jalaram Talimi Snatak Mahavidyalaya
JJTU-Shri Jagdishprasad Jhabarmal Tibrewala University
JJTWSDC-Jnana Jyothi Town Womens Samaja Degree College
JKACL-Jai Kranti Arts College Latur
JKAPASCC-Jbsas Kamal Aakka Patil Arts Science and Commerce College
JKBC-Jamini Kant B Ed College
JKBGC-Jatiya Kabi Birakishore Government College
JKBM-Jai Kisan Balika Mahavidyalaya
JKBS-J K Business School
JKCA-J K College of Architecture
JKCB - JK College Biraul
JKCC-Jagarlamudi Kuppuswamy Choudary College
JKCC-JK College of Commerce
JKCC-JKC College
JKCCSBA - Jk College Of Computer Science and Business Administration
JKCE-J K College of Education
JKC-J K College
JKC-Jagannath Kishore College
JKC-Janta Koshi College
JKCNP-JK College of Nursing and Paramedicals
JKCNV-J K College of Nursing Vadodara
JKCP-JK College Of Pharmacy
JKCSRT-JK College of Science and Research Technology
JKIAPT-J K Institute of Applied Physics and Technology
JKIE-J K Institute of Engineering
JKIIT-J K Institute of Information Technology
JKIMS-Jammu and Kashmir Institute of Mathematical Sciences
JKIMT-J K Institute of Management Technology
JKIP-JK Institute of Pharmacy
JKIPM-J K Institute Of Pharmacy And Management
JKIPM-JK Institute of Pharmacy and Management
JKIPS-J K Institute Of Professional Studies
JKJDCSM-Jai Kamakhaya Jagjeevan Dharm Chandra Shukla Mahavidyalay
JKKMCT-J K K Munirajah College of Technology
JKKMIHSCP-J K K Munirajah Institute Of Health Sciences College Of Pharmacy
JKKMMRFCOT - Jkk munirajah Medical Research Foundation College of Occupational Therapy
JKKMMRFCP-JKK Muniraja Medical Research Foundation College of Pharmacy
JKKMMRFCP-JKK Munirajah Medical Research Foundation College Of Physiotherapy
JKKMMRF-J K K Munirajah Medical Research Foundation
JKKMSA-J K K Munirajah School of Architecture
JKKNCAS-J K K Nataraja College of Arts and Science
JKKNCAS-JKK Nattraja College of Arts And Science
JKKNCE-JKK Nattraja College of Education
JKKNCET-J K K Nataraja College of Engineering and Technology
JKKNCET-J K K Nattraja College Of Engineering And Technology
JKKNCP-JKK Nattraja College Of Pharmacy
JKKNDCH-Jkk Natarajah Dental College And Hospital
JKLC-Justice Kumarayya Law College
JKLU-J K Lakshmipat University
JKMBCAC-Junagadh KM BCA College
JKMBMCS-Jamwai Kanya Mahavidhyalaya Bal Mandir Colony Sawaimadhopur
JKMCBBAC-Junagadh Kelavani Mandal Commerce and BBA College
JKMCBBAC-Junagadh Kelavani Mandal Commerce BBA College
JKMCEB - JK Memorial College of Education Bhiwani
JKM-Jagadguru Kripalu Mahavidhyalaya
JKM-Janta Kanya Mahavidyalaya
JKM-Jijamata Kala Mahavidyalaya
JKMJ-Jagadguru Kripalu Mahavidhyalaya Jhunjhunun
JKM-Jorhat Kendriya Mahavidyalaya
JKM-Jugal Kishore Mahavidyalaya
JKMSBCAC-Junagadh Kelvani Mandal Sanchalit B C A C
JKMSBCAC-Junagadh Kelvani Mandal Sanchalit B C A College
JKPACBAPDBVCC-Jethiba K Patel Arts College and BA Patel and DB Vyas Commerce College
JKPP-JKP Polytechnic
JKSBSWC-J K Sarvaiya BSW College
JKSCI-Jabali KS Computer Institute
JKSCJ-JKS College Jamshedpur
JKSHMC- Jiba Kanta Saikia Homoeopathic Medical college
JKSMM-Jamuna Keshav Singh Memorial Mahavidyalaya
JKSTC-JayKay Skills Training Centre
JKTPV-Jageshwari Kedar Tiwari Prachya Vidyapeeth
JKTSD- Jan Kalyan Technical Skills Development ITC
JKUAT-Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
JKVM-Janta Kala Vanijya Mahavidyalaya
JLCCE-J L Chaturvedi College of Engineering
JLCCP-J L Chaturvedi College Of Pharmacy
JLCG-Janta Law College Gohparu
JLC-Jalpaiguri Law College
JLC-Jamuni Lal College
JLC-Jeypore Law College
JLC-Jorhat Law College
JLDCEM- College of Engineering and Management
JLDCEM-JLD College of Engineering and Management
JLDC-Jhamman Lal Degree College
JLDEMC-JLD Engineering And Management College
JLGPMK-Jhau Lal Gajodhar Prasad Mahavidyalaya Kanpur
JLI-Janhit Law Institute
JLKDKM-Jeevan Lal Kamla Devi Kanya Mahavidyalaya
JLNC-J L N College Rohtas
JLNDC-J L N Degree College
JLNDC-JL Nehru Degree College
JLNGC-Jawahar Lal Nehru Government College
JLNGC-Jawahar Lal Nehru Government College Haripur
JLNGCWP-J L N Government College For Women Patiala
JLNLC-J L Nehru Law College
JLNMA-Jawahar Lal Nehru Medical College Ajmer
JLNMC-Jawahar Lal Nehru Medical College
JLNM-J L N M College
JLNMM-J L Nehru Memorial Mahavidyalaya
JLNPGC-Jawahar Lal Nehru PG College
JLNSM-Jawahar Lal Nehru Smriti Mahavidhyalay
JLNSPGC-Jawahar Lal Nehru Smarak PG College
JLPGC-Jhamman Lal PG College
JLRLKGC-Jamna Lal Ram Lal Keemti Girls College
JLSDM-Jhamman Lal Shanti Devi Mahavidyalaya
JLU-Jagran Lakecity University
JM - Jambeswar Mahavidyalaya
JMASSM-Jaya Man Ashram Snatakottar Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya
JMBC-Jasveer Memorial BEd College
JMBDGM - Jai Mauni Baba Deva Girdhari Mahavidyalaya
JMBM-Jai Maa Barahi Mahavidyalaya
JMBSM-Jai Maa Bhagwati Sonanchal Mahavidyalaya
JMBSPGC-Jai Maa Bhagwati Sonanchal PG College
JMCAS-J M College of Arts And Science
JMCE-Jai Mata College of Education
JMCE-Jatindra Mohan College of Education
JMCE-Jei Mathaajee College of Engineering
JMCE-Jijamata Mahila College of Education
JMCEV-Jesus And Mary College of Education Visakhapatnam
JMCH-Jodhpur Medical College and Hospital
JMC-J M College Bhurkunda
JMC-Jagdeo Memorial College
JMC-Jai Meenesh College
JMC-Jai Murti College
JMC-Jamal Mohamed College
JMC-Janata Mahavidyalaya Chandrapur
JMC-Janta Mahavidyalaya Chandrapur
JMC-Jesus and Mary College
JMC-Jubilee Memorial College
JMCN - Janta Mahavidyalaya Chandra Nagar
JMCN-Jubilee Mission College of Nursing
JMCTK-JM Charitable Trust Kanyakumari
JMCTPC-JMCT Polytechnic College
JMDC-Jadhav Manikrao Degree College
JMDC-Jai Mata Di College
JMDDM-Jai Maa Durge Dharmawati Mahavidyalaya
JMDPLMC-Jhumak Mahaseth Dr Dharma Priya Lal Mahila College
JMDPLMC-JMDPL Mahila College
JMDTM-Jai Mata Dulhami Tribhuwan Mahavidhyalaya
JMDTM-Jai Mata Dulhami Tribhuwan Mahavidyalaya
JMEC-Jeppiaar Maamallan Engineering College
JMG-Janta Mahavidyalaya Gurh
JMG-JN Mahavidyalaya Gadag
JMGPC-Jija Mata Government Polytechnic College
JMIE-Jai Maa Institute of Education
JMI-Jamia Millia Islamia
JMI-Jamia Millia Islamia.
JMIO-Jamia Millia Islamia Online
JM-Jagadamba Mahavidyalaya
JM-Jagannath Mahavidyalaya,
JM-Jagdamba Mahavidyalaya
JM-Jaipurashutosh Mahavidyalaya
JM-Jalangi Mahavidyalaya
JM-Jamkhed Mahavidyalaya
JM-Janata Mahavidyalaya
JM-Jangi Mahavidhyalaya
JM-Jangi Mahavidyalaya
JM-Janhit Mahavidyalaya
JM-Janhit Mahavidyalya
JM-Janta Mahavidyalaya
JM-Janta Mahavidyalaya Jaunpur
JM-Jaribandhan Mahavidyalaya
JM-Jatadhari Mahavidyalaya
JM-Jayawad Mahavidyalaya
JM-Jaynath Mahavidyalaya
JM-Jaywant Mahavidyalaya
JMJCC-JMJ Commerce College
JMJCN-JMJ College of Nursing
JMJCW-J M J College for Women
JMJCW-Jesus Mary Joseph College for Women
JM-Jeevandeep Mahavidyalaya
JMJESJMJBCAC-JMJ Education Society JMJ BCA College
JM-Jhunjhunwala Mahavidyalaya
JM-Jijamata Mahavidyalaya
JM-Jijamata Mahavidyalaya Sarati
JM-Jiwach Mahavidyalaya
JM-Jokhan Mahavidyalaya
JMKBC-Jai Marudhar Kesari BEd College
JMK-Janta Mahavidyalaya Kanpur
JMKTTC-Joteghanashyam Mohan Kartick Teachers Training College
JMLCMM-Jagannath Munna Lal Choudhary Mahila Mahavidyalaya
JMMC-Jamini Majumder Memorial College
JMMC-Jamini Mazumder Memorial College
JMMC-Jubilee Mission Medical College
JMPCACSC-J M Patel College of Arts Commerce and Science College
JMPCACS-J M Patel College of Arts Commerce and Science
JMPCC-Jashbhai Maganbhai Patel College Of Commerce
JMPC-J M Patel College Of Commerce
JMPC-Jasveer Memorial PG College
JMPGC-Janta Mahavidyalaya PG College
JMPGC-Janta Mahavidyalaya PG College Etwah
JMPISW-J M Patel Institute of Social Work
JMRSDM-Jai Mata Rani Smt Dhansira Mahavidyalaya
JMSACC-JM Shah Arts and Commerce College Jambusar
JMSC-J M Science College
JMSC-Jai Maa Sharde College
JMSC-Jamtara Mahila Sandhya College
JMSC-JMS College Munger
JMSGI-JMS Group of Institutions
JMSM-Jamtara Mahila Sandhya Mahavidyalaya
JMSSA-JMS School of Architecture
JMSSC-J M Shah Science College
JMTP-JMCT Polytechnic
JMTTI-Jangal Mahal Teachers Training Institute
JMU-James Madison University
JMVM-Jai Maa Vaishno Mahavidyalaya
JMVNB-Jagannath MV Nayagarh Batto
JMWCM-Janaki Madhusudan Womens College Mandhatapatna
JNACSC-Jawaharlal Nehru Arts Commerce and Science College
JNAFAU-Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts university
JNCA-Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous
JNCASR-Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research
JNCB-Jawaharlal Nehru College Bhopal
JNCC-Jawaharlal Nehru College Chakradharpur
JNCC-Jawaharlal Nehru College Cuttack
JNCDLCP-Jan Nayak CDL College of Pharmacy
JNCDLDC-Jan Nayak Ch Devi Lal Dental College
JNCDLMCE-Jan Nayak Ch Devi Lal Memorial College Of Engineering
JNCDLMCE-Jan Nayak Ch Devi Lal Memorial College of Engineering Sirsa
JNCDLMCE-Jan Nayak Chaudhary Devi Lal Memorial College of Engineering
JNCDLMCP-Jan Nayak Ch Devi Lal Memorial College Of Pharmacy
JNCDLV-Jan Nayak Ch Devi Lal Vidyapeeth
JNCDLV-Jan Nayak Chaudhary Devi Lal Vidyapeeth
JNCE-Jai Narsingh College of Education
JNCE-Jawaharlal Nehru College of Education
JNCE-Jayalakshmi Narayanaswami College of Education
JNCG-Jawaharlal Nehru College Guwahati
JNCHRC-Jawaharlal Nehru Cancer Hospital And Research Centre
JNC-Jagadish Nandan College
JNC-Jagdish Nandan College
JNC-Jawaharlal Nehru College
JNC-Jaya Nanda College
JNC-Jhalawar Nursing College
JNC-JN College Dhurwa
JNC-JN College Madhubani
JNC-Jyoti Nivas College
JNCK-J N College Kuanpa
JNCK-Jawaharlal Nehru College Kamrup
JNCM-Jawaharlal Nehru College for Women
JNCP-Jawharlal Nehru College Patnagarh
JNCSW-Jawaharlal Nehru College of Social Work
JNCTE-Jamia Nadawiyya College Of Teacher Education
JNCT-Jai Narain College of Technology
JNCT-Jawaharlal Nehru College of Technology
JNDC-Jawaharlal Nehru Degree College
JNDC-Jawaharlal Nehru Degree College Gorakhpur
JNDPGC-Jawaharlal Nehru Degree and PG College
JNEC-Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College
JNGC-Jawaharlal Nehru Government College
JNGEC-Jawaharlal Nehru Government Engineering College
JNGEC-JN Government Engineering College
JNGP-Jawaharlal Nehru Government Polytechnic
JNHMC-Jawaharlal Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College
JNIASCI-Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Arts and Science Idukki
JNIAS-Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Advanced Studies
JNIASSPA-JNIAS School of Planning and Architecture
JNIBM-Pt Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Business Management
JNICT-Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Computer Technology
JNIT-Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Technology
JNKBEC-JN Koner B Ed College
JNKDAVCDC-JN Kapoor DAV Centenary Dental College
JNKVJ-Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwavidyalaya Jabalpur
JNKVV-Jawaharlal Nehru Agricultural University
JNKVV-Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwavidyalaya
JNKVV-Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur
JNLC-JNL College
JNLCK-J N L College Khagaul
JNMCAST-JNM College for Advanced Studies and Technology
JNMCB-Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College Belgaum
JNMC-Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College
JNMC-Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial College
JNMPGC-Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Post Graduate College
JNMPGPGC-Jai Narayan Mohanlal Purohit Government PG College
JNMPSC-Jamanaben Narottambhai Motiram Patel Science College
JNNCE-Jawaharlal Nehru Government Engineering College
JNNCE-Jawaharlal Nehru National College of Engineering
JNNIE-J N N Institute of Engineering
JNPBEC-J N Patel B Ed Colleeg
JNP-Jawaharlal Nehru Polytechnic
JNRLLC-J N R Ladda Law College
JNRM-Jawaharlal Nehru Rajkeeya Mahavidyalaya
JNRPM-Javendra Nath Ram Prakash Mahavidyalaya
JNSCDM-Jai Narayan Singh CD Mahavidyalaya
JNSCDM-Jai Narayan Singh Chamela Devi Mahavidyalaya
JNSCDMSK-Jai Narayan Singh CD Mahavidyalaya Semri Karchana
JNSC-Jawaharlal Nehru Smriti College
JNSDC-Jai Narayan Smarak Degree College
JNSGCS-J N S Govt College Shujalpur
JNSKGDC-JNS Kashmiri Girls Degree College
JNSM-Jawaharlal Nehru Smriti Mahavidyalaya
JNSPGC-Jawaharlal Nehru Smarak PG College
JNSS-Jawaharlal Nehru Shikshan Sansthan
JNSYSBM-Jeet Narain Singh Yadav Smarak Balika Mahavidyalaya
JNTP-Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University College Of Engineering Pulivendula
JNTTCK-Jawaharlal Nehru Teachers Training College Kota
JNTU -GV college of engineering vizianagaram
JNTUACE- College of Engineering Pulivendula
JNTUACEA-JNTUA College of Engineering
JNTUACE-JNTUA College of Engineering
JNTUACE-JNTUA College of Engineering Kalikiri
JNTUACE-JNTUA College of Engineering Pulivendula
JNTUACEK-JNTUA College of Engineering
JNTUA-Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University
JNTUA-Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University kakinada
JNTUA-Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur
JNTUA-Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University hyderabad
JNTUA-Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University hyderbad
JNTUA-Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University kalikiri
JNTUA-Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Pulivendula, Anantapur
JNTU-anantapur-Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University
JNTUCE-Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University College of Engineering
JNTUCE-JNTU College of Engineering Kakinada
JNTUHCEH-JNTUH College of Engineering Hyderabad
JNTUHCE-JNTUH College of Engineering Jagtial
JNTUHCEM- JNTUH College of Engineering Manthani
JNTUHCEm-JNTUH College of Engineering manthani
JNTUHCES-JNTUH College of Engineering hyderabad
JNTUHCES-JNTUH College of Engineering Sultanpur
JNTUHIST-JNTUH Institute of Science And Technology
JNTUH-Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University
JNTUH-Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad
JNTUH-Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Karimnagar
JNTU-Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University
JNTU-Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad
JNTU-Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University kakinada
JNTU-Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Rajanna Sircilla
JNTU-Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University,vizianagaram
JNTU-Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University\
JNTU-Kakinada-Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University
JNTUK-Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University
JNTUKUCE-JNTUK University College of Engineering Vizianagaram
JNTUSPA-JNTU School of Planning and Architecture
JNU-Jagannath University
JNU-Jaipur National University
JNU-Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University
JNU-Jawaharlal Nehru University
JNU-Jodhpur National University
JNUO-Jawaharlal Nehru University Online
JNV- Jawahar navodhaya vidhyalam
JNV-Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya
JNV-Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya bari raisen
JNV-Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya dhenkanal
JNV-Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Jodhpur
JNV-Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya KORAPUT
JNV-Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya RAEBARELI
JNV-Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya surat
JNV-Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya titram kaithal
JNV-Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas
JNVMIC-Jai Narayan Vidya Mandir Inter College
JNVMIC-Jai Narayan Vidya Mandir Inter Collegehrfghhfd
JNVSPDE-Jai Narayan Vyas School of Pharmacy and Diploma Engineering
JNVU-Jai Narain Vyas University
JNVWTC-Jai Narain Vyas
JNVWTC-Jai Narain Vyas Women T T College
JOTRI-Jntua Oil Technological Research Institute
JOTRI-Jntua Oil Technological Research Institutem.pha
JPACCSC - JM Panera Arts Commerce and Computer Science College
JPBDMDC-Jamuna Prasad Bhagwan Das Mahajan Degree College
JPBEC-Jagat Prakash B Ed college
JPB-Janta Polytechnic Butana
JPCAS-JP College of Arts and Science
JPCC-Jet Point Computers Centre
JPCE-J P College of Engineering
JPCE-JP College of Education
JPCHE-J P College of Higher Education
JPC-J P College Narayanpur
JPC-Jabalpur Public College
JPC-Jaya Polytechnic College
JPC-Jayam Polytechnic College
JPC-Jayaram Polytechnic College
JPC-Jeevas Polytechnic College
JPC-JP College
JPCL-J P College of Law
JPCMDC-Janki Prasad Chaudhary Mahila Degree College
JPCM-Janki Prasad Chaudhary Mahavidyalaya
JPCP-Jagannath Prasad College Of Pharmacy
JPCPS-JP College of Professional Studies
JPDIIST-J P Dawer Institute of Information Science and Technology
JPFS-JP Foundation Sanstha
JPGC-Jatadhari Post Graduate College
JPGC-Jesus PG College
JPGC-Jhunjhunwala PG College
JPGC-Jhunjhunwala PG College faizabad
JPGC-Jobner PG College
JPGCU-John Paul the Great Catholic University
JPIE-JP Institute of Education
JPIET-J P Institute of Engineering and Technology
JPIHM-J P Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology
JPI-Jalpaiguri Polytechnic Institute
JPI-Jashodaba Polytechnic Institute
JPIM-JP Institute of Management
JPIP-Jnana Prabodhini Institute of Psychology
JP-Jai Polytechnic
JP-Jain Polytechnic
JP-Jain Polytechnic Davangere
JP-Jamia Polytechnic
JP-Jashodaba Polytechnic
JP-Jnanabharathi Polytechnic
JP-Jowai Polytechnic
JPK-Jaihind Polytechnic Kuran
JPKM-Jivan Prabodhini Kanya Mahavidyalaya
JPMASC-JPM Arts and Science College
JPMBEDC-Jyoti Prakash Mahila BEd College
JPMCAC-Jeevan Prabodhini MCA College
JPMC-J P Mahila College
JPMC-Jai Prakash Mahila College
JPMC-Jamuna Prasad Memorial College
JPMC-John Paul Memorial College
JPM-Jagannath Prasad Mahavidyalaya
JPM-Jai Prakash Mahavidyalaya
JPMLIETI-Jai Parkash Mukand Lal Innovative Engineering And Technology Institute
JPMM-Jai Prakash Mahila Mahavidyalaya
JPMPGC-Jai Prakash Mahila PG College
JPNCE-Jai Prakash Narayan College Of Education
JPNCE-Jaya Prakash Narayan College of Engineering
JPPACC-JP Pardiwala Arts and Commerce College
JPPSDC-Jagdish Prasad Pandey Smarak Degree College
JPPS-Jagat Pathak Patrakarita Sansthan
JPPSM-Jagdish Prasad Pandey Smarak Mahavidyalaya
JPRC-Jaypur Panchanan Roy College
JPRM-Jai Prakash Rai Mahavidyalaya
JPSB-JP School Of Business
JPSDM-Jay Prakash Sandhya Degree Mahavidyalaya
JPSM-Jagannath Prasad Smarak Mahavidyalaya
JPSM-Jagdev Prasad Smarak Mahavidyalaya
JPSWC-Jyotirao Phule Social Work College
JPTC-Jaypee Polytechnic and Training Centre
JPTDC-Jadupati Plus Three Degree College
JPTTC-Jyotiba Phule Teachers Training College
JPU-Jai Prakash University
JPV-Jai Prakash Vishwavidyalaya
JPVMMM-Janki Prasad Verma Memorial Mahila Mahavidyalaya
JPVSM-JP Verma Science Mahavidyalaya
JPVSPGC-JP Verma Science P G College
JPYSKSYC-Jagdish Prasad Yadav Shiv Kumar Singh Yadav College
JRACCSC-JK Ram Arts Commerce And Computer Science College
JRAC-Jageshwar Ray Arti B Ed College
JRATTC-J R A Teacher Training College
JRCGW-Jhargram Raj College Girls Wing
JRC-J R College
JRC-Jamini Roy College
JRC-Jhargram Raj College
JRC-JR College
JRCP-J R College Phalisia
JRCP-J R College Pindwara
JRCP-J.R.College Pindwara
JRCR -JR College Rishabhdeo
JRCTE-Jogendra Rajkrishna College of Teachers Education
JREGI-J R E Group of Institutions
JRHU-Jagadguru Rambhadracharya Handicapped University
JRJM-Jay Ram Janki Mahavidyalaya
JRKCE-JR Kissan College of Education
JRKGC-J R Kimti Girls College
JRKGCR-JR Kimti Girls College Rampura
JRKHMCH-JR Kissan Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital
JRM - Jatindra Rajendra Mahavidyalaya
JRMBC-Janak Raj Mahajan B Ed College
JRMBC-Janak Raj Mahajan, B Ed College Gangath
JRMCE-JR Memorial College of Education
JRM-Jatindra Rajendra Mahavidya
JRM-Jibantala Rokeya Mahavidyalaya
JRMS-Jamuna Ram Memorial School
JRNRV-Janardan Rai Nagar Rajasthan Vidhyapeeth
JRNRV-Janardan Rai Nagar Rajasthan Vidyapeeth
JRNRV-JRN Rajasthan Vidyapeeth
JRPC-J R Polytechnic College
JRPMBCAM-Jeevan Rekha Pratishthan Mahila BCA Mahavidyalaya
JRRBEDC- JRR B Ed College Prakasam
JRRNDC-JRR Navodaya Degree College
JRRSU-Jagadguru Ramanandacharya Rajasthan Sanskrit University
JRRUBM-Jaya Ram Raj Upadhyaya Balika Mahavidyalaya
JRSCE-JRS College of Education
JRSC-Jagjiwan Ram Sharmik College
JRSCJ-J R S College Jamalpur
JRSC-JRS College
JRSETCE-JRSET College of Education
JRSETCL-JRSET College of Law
JRSGTTC-J R Sharma Girls Teachers Training College
JRSITE-JRS Institute of Technical Education
JRSTPL-JRS Technology Private Limited
JRSU-Jharkhand Raksha Shakti University
JRUBDC-Jayaram Raj Upadhyay Balika Degree College
JRU-Jharkhand Rai University
JSA-Jaya School of Architecture
JSAM-J S Ayurved Mahavidyalaya
JSAM-Janhavi Sanskrit Adarsh Mahavidyalaya
JSAPD-Jawahar School Of Architecture Planning And Design
JSAPECW-JMMS Sundrabai A Patil Education College For Women
JSATB-Jilla Shikshan Ane Talim Bhavan
JSBIT-Jaswant Singh Bhadauria Institute of Technology
JSB-Jaipuria School of Business
JSB-Jansons School of Business
JSB-Jyotirmoy School of Business
JSCE - Jyothi Sri College Of Education
JSCE-Jagadguru Shankaracharya College of Education
JSCE-Jai Shriram College of Education
JSCE-Jayawantrao Sawant College of Education
JSCE-Jayawantrao Sawant College of Engineering Pune
JSCE-JS College of Education
JSCE-Jsms Sgvpc College Of Education
JSCE-Jsp Sanghas College Of Education
JSC-J S College Mudesi
JSC-Jagannath Sanskrit College
JSC-Jagannath Singh College
JSC-Jagannath Singh College Chandauli
JSC-Jagdamba Sanskrit College
JSC-Janta Shivratri College Palamau
JSC-Jawahar Science College
JSC-Jawahar Science College, Neyveli
JSC-Jonai Science College
JSC-JS Colleges
JSCNO-Jaya Shekara College of Nursing Ongole
JSCOPR-Jayawantrao Sawant College of Pharmacy and Research
JSCP-Jai Shree College of Pharmacy
JSCPR-Jayawantrao Sawant College of Pharmacy and Research
JSCSA-JS College of Science and Arts
JSDBG-Jan Sahkari D C Barap Garahni
JSDC-J S Degree College
JSDC-Janjatiya Sandhya Degree College
JSDC-Janta Swarup Degree College
JSDC-Js Degree College Gangavathi
JSDMBEC-Jhunjhunu Sherwani Devi Mahila B Ed College
JSEC-J S Engineering College
JSEC-Jai Shriram Engineering College
JSEC-Jaya Sakthi Engineering College
JSEC-Jaya Suriya Engineering College
JSEC-JEPPIAAR SRR Engineering College
JSEC-Joe Suresh Engineering College
JSE-Jyotirmoy School of Education
JSES-J B Sawant Education Societys
JSET-Jeypore School Of Engineering And Technology
JSETSADC-Janana Sai Education Trust Shardha Arts Degree College
JSGDC-Jata Shankar Gupta Degree College
JSGI-Jay Shriram Group of Institutions
JSHC-J S H College
JSHPGC-Jagdish Saran Hindu PG College
JSHPGC-JS Hindu Post Graduate College
JSIMR-Jayawantrao Sawant Institute Of Management and Research
JSIMT-J S Institute of Management and Technology
JSIP-Jayawantrao Sawant Institute Of Pharmacy
JSJDC - Jasmer Singh Jaijee Degree College
JSJVCE-J S J V College of Education
JSKMB-Jai Shiv Kanya Mahavidyalaya Buderana
JSKM-Jagannath Singh Kanya Mahavidyalaya
JSKM-Jai Shankar Kripa Mahavidyalaya
JSKM-Jai Shiv Kanya Mahavidyalaya
JSL-Jyotirmoy School of Law
JSM - Jagdamba Shikshan Mahavidyalaya
JSMAS-JSM Academy Salarpur
JSMCE- Janseva Shikshan Mandals College of Education
JSMC-Jhabbu Singh Memorial College
JSMC-JSM College
JSMESWA-Jai Santoshi Mata Education And Social Welfare Association
JSM-Jagdamba Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya
JSM-Jagruti Shikshanshastra Mahavidyalaya
JSM-Jaihind Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya
JSM-Jay Shiv Mahavidyalaya
JSM-Jijau Shikshan Mahavidyalaya
JSM-Jnana Sagara Mahavidyalaya
JSM-Juthalal Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya
JSNC-Jeevan Shree Nursing College
JSNSM-JSN School of Managemen
JSNSM-JSN School of Management
JSPC-Jamia Salafiya Pharmacy College
JSPGC-Jatan Swaroop Post Graduate College
JSP-Jayawantrao Sawant Polytechnic
JSPM- jijamata shikshan prasarak mandal sarati
JSPMBSITR-JSPMs Bhivarabai Sawant Institute of Technology and Research
JSPMBSP-JSPMs Bhivrabai Sawant Polytechnic
JSPMCCPR-JSPMs Charak College of Pharmacy and Research
JSPMCE-Janta Shikshan Prasarak Mandals College of Education
JSPMGI-Jayawant Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Group of Institutes
JSPMICER-Jayawant Shikshan Prasarak Mandals Imperial College Of Engineering And Research
JSPM-J P Shikshak Prashikshan Mahavidyalaya
JSPM-Jagriti Shikshak Prashikshan Mahavidyalaya
JSPMJAM-Janta Shikshan Prasarak Mandals Janta Adhyapak Mahavidyalaya
JSPMJICA-JSPM Jayawant Institute of Computer Application
JSPM-JSP Mahavidyalaya
JSPMMKM-Janata Shikshan Prasarak Mandals Mahila Kala Mahavidyalaya
JSPMNTC-Jayawant Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Narhe Technical Campus
JSPMNTC-JSPM Narhe Technical Campus
JSPMRSCE-J S P M Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering
JSPMRSCE-Jaywant Shikshan Prarsark Mandals Rajarshi Shahu College of Education
JSPMRSCOE-J S P M Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering
JSPMRSCOE-Jaywant Shikshan Prarsark Mandals Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering
JSPMRSCOE-Jaywant Shikshan Prarsark Mandals Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering, Tathawade
JSPMRSCPR-Jaywant Shikshan Prasarak Mandals Rajashi Shahu College of Pharmacy and Research
JSPMSASC-Jaibhavani Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Sanchalit Arts and Science College
JSPMSPAHBC-Jagdamba Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Sanchalit Punyashlok Ahilyabai Holkar Bed College
JSPMWBC-Janata Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Womens B Ed College
JSPMWCE-Janata Shikshan Prasarak Mandals Womens College of Education
JSPMWCS-Janata Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Womens College of Science
JSPSAC-Janatha Shikshana Prasarak Samithi Arts College
JSPSAGACC-JSPS Ajjappa Gadami Arts and Commerce College
JSPSCE-Jawahar Shikshan Prasarak Sansthas College of Education
JSPSGHMC-J S P S Government Homeopathic Medical College
JSPSSCE-JSPSS College of Education
JSPSS-Jagan Shikshak Prashikshan Sansthan Sikar
Jsr co-operative college
JSRCE-JSR College of Education
JSRWC-JSR Womens College
JSSAHER-JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research
JSSAHERO-JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research Online
JSSAMC-JSS Ayurvedic Medical College
JSSASCC-JSS Arts Science Commerce Collage
JSSATEB-J S S Academy of Technical Education Bangalore
JSSATEB-JSS Academy of Technical Education Bengaluru
JSSATE-J S S Academy of Technical Education
JSSATE-J S S Academy of Technical Education,Noida
JSSATEN-JSS Academy of Technical EdNoidaon Noida
JSSATEN-JSS Academy of Technical Education Noida
JSSBACSKGSC-JSS Banashankari Arts Commerce And SK Gubbi Science College
JSSCACG-JSS College of Arts And Commerce Gundlupet
JSSCACS- JSS College of Arts Commerce And Science
JSSCACS- JSS College of Arts Commerce And Science Mysore
JSSCACS-JSS College of Arts Commerce and Science Mysore
JSSCACSM-JSS College of Arts Commerce and Science Mysore
JSSCE-Jasdev Singh Sandhu College of Education
JSSCE-JSS College of Education
JSSC-J S Sanskrit College
JSSC-JSS College Nanjangud
JSSCMS-J S S Center for Management Studies
JSSCN-JSS College of Nursing
JSSCP-JSS College of Pharmacy
JSSCP-JSS College of Physiotherapy
JSSCPM-JSS College of Pharmacy Mysore
JSSCPO-JSS College of Pharmacy Ooty
JSSCWC-JSS College For Women Chamarajnagar
JSSCW-JSS College for Women Mysore
JSSCWK-JSS College For Women Kollegal
JSSCWS-JSS College For Women Saraswathipuram
JSSDCHM-JSS Dental College and Hospital Mysore
JSSDC-Jagpat Singh Singraur Degree College
JSSDC-Jasdev Singh Sandhu Degree College
JSSEI-Jagdamba Sharan Singh Educational Institute
JSSGIWFM-Jeev Sewa Sansthan Group of Institutions for Women Faculty Of Management
JSSIEC-JSS Institute of Education Chamarajanagara
JSSIES-JSS Institute of Education Sakaleshpur
JSSIES-JSS Institute of Education Suttur
JSSIET-Jasdev Singh Sandhu Institute of Engineering and Technology
JSSI-JS Skill Institute
JSSINYS-JSS Institute of Naturopathy And Yogic Sciences
JSSISH-JSS Institute of Speech and Hearing
JSSISH-JSS Institute of Speech and Hearing Dharwad
JSSKVM-J S S Kisan Veer Mahavidyalaya
JSSLC-J S S Law College
JSSLC-J S S Law Collegex
JSSMC-J S S Medical College
JSSM-Jagadguru Shankaracharya Shiksha Mahavidalaya
JSSM-Janta Shiksha Sansthan Mahavidyalaya
JSSOM-Jagdish Sheth School Of Management (Formerly IFIM Business School)
JSSPACSC-Jeevandeep Shaikshanik Santha Pois Arts Commerce And Science College
JSSPC-Jasdev Singh Sandhu Polytechnic College
JSSPDA-JSS Polytechnic for the Differently Abled
JSSP-JSS Polytechnic
JSSPW-JSS Polytechnic For Women
JSSSACC-JSS Science Arts And Commerce College
JSSSASCC-JSSS Arts Science and Commerce Collage
JSSSBCBA-JSSS Bharatesh College of Business Administration
JSSSC-JSS Sanskrit College
JSSSLC-JSS Sakri Law College Hubli
JSSSMBC-J S S Shri Manjunatheshwar B Ed College
JSSSMCE-JSS Shri Manjunatheshwara College of Education
JSSSMCE-JSS Shri Manjunatheshwara ug and pg studies
JSSSTU-JSS Science and Technology University
JSSV-Jagdamba Sanskrit Sangved Vidyalaya
JSTCS-JS Training Center And Suppliers
JSTS-Jag School of Transformative Skills
JSU-J S University Shikohabad
JSU-Jackson State University
JSU-Jacksonville State University
JSVCAS-Jai Shree Venkatesha College of Arts and Science
JSVMIC-Jainarayan Saraswati Vidya Mandir Inter College
JSYNKMM-Jagdish Singh Yadav Nand Kishor Modi Mahavidyalaya
JTB-Jamiya Tul Banat
JTCC-Jhumri Telaiya Commerce College
JTCE-Jamia Training College of Education
JTC-J Thankima College
JTC-Jesus Training College
JTC-JPE Training College
JTGC-Jiut Tdas Girls College
JTGDC-Jagat Taran Girls Degree College
JTIPL-Jeewan Technical Institute Pvt Ltd
JT-Jaguar Infotech
JTMCOE-J T Mahajan College of Engineering
JTMP-J T Mahajan Polytechnic
JTTBC-Jharkhand Teachers Training B Ed College
JTTC-Jajba Teacher Training College
JTTC-JMGS Technical Training Centre
JTTC-JRA Teachers Training College
JTTIB-Jambukhand Teacher Training Institute Banswara
JTTI-Jagatbandhu Teachers Training Institute
JTVBCAC-Jagadguru Tomtdaray Vidyapeeth of BCA College
JTVPSBACC-JT Vidya Peethas Shree Basaveshwar Arts And Commerce College
JUCE-JECRC UDML College of Engineering
JUETG-Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology Guna
JUETG-Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology Guna13
JUET-Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology Guna
JUGAPEC-Jai Ustad Ganj Akhada Physical Education College
JUIT-Jaypee University of Information Technology
JU-Jacksonville University
JU-Jadavpur University
JU-Jagannath University
JU-Jagiellonian University
JU-Jahangirnagar University
JU-Jain University
JU-Jain University CMS
JU-Jaypee University
JU-Jaypee University Anoopshahr
JU-Jimma University
JU-JIS University
JU-Jiwaji University
JU-Jiwaji University gwalior
JU-Johnson University
JU-Jonkoping University
JU-Judson University
JUO-Jain University Online
JUPASCC-Jan Utkarsha Prabodhinis Arts Science and Commerce College
JUSSGI-Jathedar Ujagar Singh Sekhwan Group of Institution
JUSSING-JUSS Institute of Nursing Gurdaspur
JUST-Jordan University of Science and Technology
JVBI-Jain Vishva Bharati Institute
JVCE - Jenila Varshini College of Education
JVCE-Jadavpur Vidyapith College of Education
JVCET-Jivan Vikas College of Education Thungaondev
JVC-Janta Vedic College
JVC-Jyoti Vikash College
JVCN-J V College of Nursing
JVDC-Janki Vallabh Degree College
JVDC-Janta Vadic Degree College
JVDC-Jyoti Vikash Degree College
JVDCST-J V D College of Science and Technology
JVGCE - Jvg College of Education
JVHSS-Jai Vikas Higher Secondary School
JVIMSC-Jnana Vikas Institute Of Management Studies And Commerce
JVIMS-Shri Jaysukhlal Vadhar Institute Of Management Studies
JVIPT-J V Institute Of Paramedical Technology
JVJC-J V Jain College
JVJC-JV Jain College
JVK-Jims Vasant Kunj
JVKM-Jagannath Veda Karmakanda Mohavidyalaya
JVM Mehta Airoli sec- 19 Navi Mumbai -400708
JVMGGRRC-Janta Vidya Mandir Ganpat Rai Rasiwasia College
JVMGRRC-Janta Vidya Mandir Ganpat Rai Rasiwasia College
JVMGRRICA-J V M G R R Institute of Computer Application
JVMGRRICA-JVMGRR Institute of Computer Applications
JVMJCMDC-J V M Junior College and Mehta Degree College
JVM-Jeevan Vikas Mahavidyalaya
JVM-Jharkhand Vidhi Mahavidyalaya
JVPGC-Janta Vaidic Post Graduate College
JVRGDC-Jalagam Vengal Rao Government Degree College
JVRRMCE - JVRRM College of Education
JVRRMCE-JVRR Memorial College of Education
JVSMSWC-J V Solanki MSW College
JVTTC-Jawahar Vidyapeeth Teachers Training College
JVWU-Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University
JWAC-Jalaliya Womens Arabic College
JWC-Jaleswar Womens College
JWC-Jamshedpur Womens College
JWC-Jamshedpur Workers College
JWC-Joda Womens College
JWCKB-Jagrauti Women College Kherla Bujurg
JWDC-Jagruthi Womens Degree College
JWDC-Jahnavi Womens Degree College
JWU-Johnson and Wales University
Jyothy Institute of Technology-JIT-Bangalore
Jyoti Nivas Pre-University
JZP-Jainuddin Zaweri Polytechnic
JZSAHPDCC-JZ Shah Arts And HP Desai Commerce College