Bhavan's Vivekananda College (BVC) is an esteemed institution affiliated with Osmania University in India. Established in 1993 Situated in the state of Telangana, BVC is committed to providing high-quality education across a diverse range of academic disciplines. The college offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs, emphasizing academic excellence, research, and holistic student development. BVC boasts a dedicated and experienced faculty, modern infrastructure, and a vibrant campus life that encourages extracurricular activities. The college plays a significant role in supporting Osmania University's mission to provide quality education and prepare students for successful careers, contributing to the university's legacy of academic excellence and community development.

Key Highlights

  • Offline Education.
  • Flexible Admission Rules.
  • Outstanding infrastructure.

Contact Details

Admission Cell
Contact PersonBhavans Vivekananda College
Contact number040-27111611
Email bhavanvc yahoo.co.in
Official Website http://bhavansvc.org/

Placement Cell

Contact PersonBhavans Vivekananda College
Contact number040-27111611
Email bhavanvc yahoo.co.in


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  • Bhavans Vivekananda College Photos
  • Bhavans Vivekananda College Photos


Kandukuri Vinay Kumar

Major incident manager

  • experience
  • location
    Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • desiganation

    Major incident manager at Wipro Technologies Limited May, 2019 To Present

  • study

    Bsc CS-Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Statistics

  • skills
    Analytical Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning
Bsc CS-Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India


Nirmala Nagar X Road
Sainikpuri Post
Near CDM

college address map


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Establishment In 1993, Bharathiya Vidya Bhavans Vivekananda College Of Science, Humanities & Commerce Is Affliated To Osmania University The Address Of The Institute Is Sainikpuri, Secunderabad - 500094, Secunderabad Hyderabad Telangana You Can Explore More Details On Www.Bhavansvc.Org "
Institute Id: AISHE Code -C-26108
College Type: Affiliated College
University Name: Osmania University, Hyderabad
University Type: State Public University
Year of Establishment: 1993
Statutory_Body: All India Council for Technical Education,University Grants Commission
Management Name: Private Un-Aided
Specialized in: No

Correspondence Details:

Address: Sainikpuri, secunderabad - 500094, Secunderabad
Location Rural/Urban: Urban
State: Telangana
District: Hyderabad
Contact Details:
Website: www.bhavansvc.org

B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science Under Graduate

Discipline Name: Science Approving Statutory Body: Osmania University, Hyderabad
Affiliated University: All India Council for Technical Education,University Grants Commission
Student Enrolled (Male): 602 Student Passed Out (Male): 157
Student Enrolled (Female): 608 Student Passed Out (Female): 168
Student Enrolled (Total): 1210 Student Passed Out (Total): 325

B.Com.-Bachelor of Commerce Under Graduate

Discipline Name: Commerce Approving Statutory Body: Osmania University, Hyderabad
Affiliated University: All India Council for Technical Education,University Grants Commission
Student Enrolled (Male): 721 Student Passed Out (Male): 234
Student Enrolled (Female): 583 Student Passed Out (Female): 171
Student Enrolled (Total): 1304 Student Passed Out (Total): 405

B.C.A.-Bachelor of Computer Applications Under Graduate

Discipline Name: Computer Application Approving Statutory Body: Osmania University, Hyderabad
Affiliated University: All India Council for Technical Education,University Grants Commission
Student Enrolled (Male): 110 Student Passed Out (Male): 42
Student Enrolled (Female): 45 Student Passed Out (Female): 11
Student Enrolled (Total): 155 Student Passed Out (Total): 53

B.B.A.-Bachelor of Business Administration Under Graduate

Discipline Name: Business Administration Approving Statutory Body: Osmania University, Hyderabad
Affiliated University: All India Council for Technical Education,University Grants Commission
Student Enrolled (Male): 109 Student Passed Out (Male): 38
Student Enrolled (Female): 102 Student Passed Out (Female): 32
Student Enrolled (Total): 211 Student Passed Out (Total): 70

B.A.-Bachelor of Arts Under Graduate

Discipline Name: Arts Approving Statutory Body: Osmania University, Hyderabad
Affiliated University: All India Council for Technical Education,University Grants Commission
Student Enrolled (Male): 91 Student Passed Out (Male): 28
Student Enrolled (Female): 90 Student Passed Out (Female): 23
Student Enrolled (Total): 181 Student Passed Out (Total): 51

M.Sc.-Master of Science Post Graduate

Discipline Name: Microbiology Approving Statutory Body: Osmania University, Hyderabad
Affiliated University: All India Council for Technical Education,University Grants Commission
Student Enrolled (Male): 15 Student Passed Out (Male): 6
Student Enrolled (Female): 46 Student Passed Out (Female): 18
Student Enrolled (Total): 61 Student Passed Out (Total): 24

M.Sc.-Master of Science Post Graduate

Discipline Name: Computer Science Approving Statutory Body: Osmania University, Hyderabad
Affiliated University: All India Council for Technical Education,University Grants Commission
Student Enrolled (Male): 25 Student Passed Out (Male): 6
Student Enrolled (Female): 28 Student Passed Out (Female): 11
Student Enrolled (Total): 53 Student Passed Out (Total): 17

M.Sc.-Master of Science Post Graduate

Discipline Name: Bio-Chemistry Approving Statutory Body: Osmania University, Hyderabad
Affiliated University: All India Council for Technical Education,University Grants Commission
Student Enrolled (Male): 13 Student Passed Out (Male): 5
Student Enrolled (Female): 35 Student Passed Out (Female): 13
Student Enrolled (Total): 48 Student Passed Out (Total): 18

M.Com.-Master of Commerce Post Graduate

Discipline Name: Commerce Approving Statutory Body: Osmania University, Hyderabad
Affiliated University: All India Council for Technical Education,University Grants Commission
Student Enrolled (Male): 26 Student Passed Out (Male): 17
Student Enrolled (Female): 26 Student Passed Out (Female): 9
Student Enrolled (Total): 52 Student Passed Out (Total): 26

M.B.A.- Master of Business Administration Post Graduate

Discipline Name: Business Administration Approving Statutory Body: Osmania University, Hyderabad
Affiliated University: All India Council for Technical Education,University Grants Commission
Student Enrolled (Male): 113 Student Passed Out (Male): 61
Student Enrolled (Female): 117 Student Passed Out (Female): 48
Student Enrolled (Total): 230 Student Passed Out (Total): 109
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